The escorts are provided at a rate of $55.71 per hour. Many of the escorts cost under $500, but some are substantially more expensive: Escorts provided for a March 2010 meeting of the American Israel Political Affairs Committee totaled more than $79,800. That money has been repaid. The escort of Gates, the Microsoft co-founder, billionaire businessman and philanthropist, was provided on Nov. 8, 2010, from the city Convention Center to Dulles, according to an invoice provided to the AP. He was in Washington that day as keynote speaker for a health conference. The invoice, approved Nov. 17, reflects an outstanding balance of $445.68, or the total cost of the escort. A Gates spokeswoman said she had no immediate information on the escort, and it wasn't immediately clear whether that sum had since been paid. The escort of rapper Jay-Z began on March 3, 2010, originating at Dulles and lasting from 3 p.m. to 1 a.m. the next day at a cost of $1,114.20. It's not clear from the invoice where Jay-Z went in D.C., and a publicist for him had no immediate information on his visit. Singer Taylor Swift's name also appears on a list of people who have received escorts
-- on June 1, 2010, the night she performed at Verizon Center -- though no invoice for her escort was supplied. College and professional sports teams as well as owners have also gotten escorts, including to the White House and to stadiums on game day. Owners have also benefited
-- the Indianapolis Colts owner was escorted from the Four Seasons Hotel to FedEx Field in Landover, Md. The documents show John Wall, the No. 1 overall pick in last year's NBA draft, was escorted from Dulles on June 25, the day after he was drafted by the Wizards. He arrived at the Verizon Center in a SUV-limo, where he stepped onto a red carpet and faced cheering fans. Kris Baumann, chairman of the police union, said it's widely known within the department that such escorts are provided. "As officers, we know this goes on a routine basis," Baumann said. "Just acknowledge it."
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