These insects can produce serious welts when they decide to
bite. They tend to be worse during the day but are seldom a
problem inside buildings. In addition to people, they tend to
attack birds. Young poultry and wild birds are especially
Control is difficult. Sprays of malathion, permethrin or
bifenthrin will help with controlling the buffalo gnats when
outdoor activities must be held in infested areas. Dusts of
permethrin will also help with outside poultry operations.
Repellents of DEET, citronella and vanilla may also provide some
Remember, only the females bite, and the males swarm your
face. When the bite occurs, a chemical is injected to help with
blood flow. This is often the reason for the painful welts,
usually on the face. Children also seem to be bitten, and
affected, more than adults.
The gnats seem to be attracted to white clothing. Navy blue
seems to be their least favorite color.

Fire blight
Apple and pear trees are also having their problems. There is
a large amount of tip dieback in some varieties, and this is
probably fire blight. Look for a shepherd's crook at the tip of
the affected areas as a clue it is fire blight. Usually the
first symptom is one year's growth dying back.
Fire blight is a bacterial disease; therefore, there is
little chance for you to treat it. The common treatment in
commercial operations is streptomycin, but it has to be applied
before symptoms appear. Bordeaux mixture can also help prevent
the disease. Prune out disease cankers when dormant.
This disease cost Illinois its pear industry.
Borer control
Here is a listing of common borers and their control times:
ash borers, early June and early July; bronze birch borer,
mid-May and repeat two times at two-week intervals; dogwood
borer, mid-May and mid-June; flat-headed apple borer, late May
and repeat in three weeks; lilac borer, early June and early
July; locust borer, late August and mid-September; mountain ash
borer, early June and mid-July; peach tree borer, mid-June and
mid-July; viburnum borer, early June and early July; and
Zimmerman pine moth, April or August. The emerald ash borer,
although not confirmed in our area at this time, has a control
time in Michigan beginning in mid-May and runs through mid-July.
The product of choice for many borers is now permethrin or
bifenthrin. Imidicloprid, as a soil treatment, has some control
of certain borers but can't be used on any fruit trees. Sevin (carbaryl)
is the product of choice for most fruit trees and is applied
directly to the trunk.
Garden planting
We are in the planting time for warm-loving vegetables, which
is May 10 through June 1. Of course, the weather has been slow
to cooperate this year. Warm-season vegetables include lima
beans, cucumbers, eggplant, melons, pepper plants, sweet potato
slips, pumpkins and squash. You can also put out successive
plantings of snap beans, beets, carrots and sweet corn to extend
the season.
University of Illinois Extension]