[November 01, 2011]Response runs reported by Lincoln Rural Fire Protection District:
Oct. 31
10:41 a.m. --
Mutual aid with Atlanta Fire and Rescue and Logan County
Paramedic Association for a false alarm at the 136 mile marker
on Interstate 55.
11:39 a.m. -- Mutual aid with Emden
Fire and Rescue and LCPA for a motor vehicle accident on Route
136 and 400th Avenue.
Nov. 1
5:27 p.m. -- Motor
vehicle accident in the 1300th block of Primm Road with mutual
aid from LCPA and Lincoln Fire Department.
5:57 p.m. -- Mutual aid with Emden Fire
and Rescue and LCPA for a farm implement accident on 700th
Avenue and 2600th Street.