But it got harder for Cain to target reporters Monday, when one of his accusers went public. Sharon Bialek told her story at a packed news conference in New York. She appeared with celebrity attorney Gloria Allred, and the two women then sat for several TV interviews. Cain and many other conservatives jumped on Bialek's association with Allred, who has contributed to many Democratic candidates. Another Cain accuser, Karen Kraushaar, identified herself Tuesday. Cain held a news conference Tuesday in Arizona, where he took questions only after he and his lawyer, Lin Wood, gave lengthy opening remarks. Wood has warned other women who might come forward with allegations against Cain that they would be aggressively scrutinized and should give the matter careful consideration before going public. Cain also sat for an interview with ABC News, where he suggested reporters had menaced members of his family, including his wife, Gloria, who has stayed out of the spotlight thus far. Cain is also making the rounds of late-night talk shows. "The voice of the people is stronger than the voice of the media," Cain told ABC's Jimmy Kimmel. "They're not going to be easily swayed by what the media hype is." The media frenzy surrounding the Cain story -- and Cain's strategy to take advantage of it
-- speaks to the often unhealthy symbiotic relationship between media and politicians, according to Robert McClure, a professor of media and politics at Syracuse University. "In no other country would Herman Cain be taken seriously in a way that would take up the time and the attention of serious decision-makers," McClure said. "What Cain traffics in is that he's glib and he loves attention. The media also traffics in glibness, so it's a match made in hell."
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