If client money was used by the firm for its own purposes, Corzine could be held responsible, said Thomas Ajamie, an attorney who specializes in financial fraud cases. "That would be the house gambling with customers' money," Ajamie said. Other top MF Global executives also could face legal jeopardy, experts say. And members of the board of directors could be accused of failing to properly oversee Corzine's trading strategy and the firm's risk management. PricewaterhouseCoopers, MF Global's auditors, could be targeted, too. So could the Wall Street banks that put up money for floating the firm's own bonds. With MF Global in bankruptcy, new potential litigants could step forward, in addition to civil and criminal authorities and shareholders. The trustee the bankruptcy court appointed will conduct an investigation and could sue top executives on behalf of the company to recover money for creditors. "Anyone who has a deep pocket gets sucked in," Elson said. Major companies typically provide liability insurance for top executives and their directors. The insurance covers the legal costs in case they're sued by shareholders or others and the damages they might have to pay. The insurance provides a single pot of money for executives and board members, usually in the hundreds of millions of dollars. Companies offer the insurance as a perk to recruit executive talent, experts say. The insurance kicks in if executives or directors are accused of breaches of duty and "wrongful acts" that stop short of fraud, such as misstatements to investors. Experts say the damages or penalties that could be sought in MF Global's case could far outstrip executives' insurance coverage. That's because multiple parties could sue each executive or director for tens of millions. The payouts could exceed each official's share of the coverage. Craig Welin, a lawyer at Frandzel Robins Bloom & Csato, which specializes in bankruptcy and financial litigation, said he thinks Corzine could be tied up in litigation for five to 10 years. "They'll be looking under every rock," Welin said. "And if that rock has deep pockets, they'll look even closer."
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