Senior Life

News & information for the seniors in our community


Feast on the information SSN offers online 

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[November 21, 2011]  As the Thanksgiving holiday approaches, families everywhere will be traveling to reunite with one another. Generations will gather around dinner tables across the nation.  And certainly some people are already coming up with conversation topics to season the festivities. 

If some of the folks in your family like to talk about Social Security, make sure you’re ready with a visit to  After table time, sit down for some online time with anyone in your family who needs information. In fact, right on your tablet or laptop, you can even help a loved one apply for retirement benefits in as little as 15 minutes, or Medicare in as little as 10.  

There are a number of other things you can help your loved ones do online. Use the Benefit Eligibility Screening Tool to see whether they qualify for benefits. Or use the Retirement Estimator for an instant and personalized estimate of their retirement benefits. You can learn about these and many other online services available by visiting  

If you’re in a conversation about Social Security, use your smart phone or mobile device to visit our mobile-friendly frequently asked questions at 

If you end up talking about Social Security between turkey and pumpkin pie, rest assured that the authority on the subject is as close as your laptop, tablet, or smart phone.  Feast on the food at the table, and then take advantage of the feast of information and services available online at 

 By Judith Bartels

Social Security District Manager in Springfield, IL  

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