Dozens of the court's characters were on hand Thursday and Friday
evening and Sunday afternoon to serve, sing and engage the audience
in this year's presentation.
Jesters, wenches, maids in waiting, serving girls and fair maidens
moved around the Maple Club dining room in colorful costumes.
Sixteen members of the freshmen girls' choir served the spiced
beverage, wassail. Band members played and the high school choir
performed. A total of 79 members of the LCHS music department came
together for the special event that celebrates the 12 days of
Christmas in a medieval setting.
The Maple Club wait staff served the meals to diners and directed
the cast members assigned to serving the wassail.

In order to enter the dining room in a sweeping wave of rustling
color, the madrigal actors lined up in the parking lot and entered
after diners were seated. The effect set the mood for the entire
show, and seasoned attendees and first-timers seemed to be
Matthew Mason was the king; Lauren Stanfield played the queen;
Destinee Shreve was the wench; and Shelby Voyles performed as the
There was also a silent auction with items received from local