"We need interested
people and continued support for this old
place," said Geoff Ladd, Logan County tourism director and chairman
for the Route 66 Heritage Foundation of Logan County. Anyone
interested in helping with renovation at The Mill should contact
Ladd at 732-8687 or register to join the organization at
Susan Shaw, of Elkhart, provided an assortment of items at the
food stand. Local band Vintage Daze donated its time and provided
entertainment into the afternoon, as car owners and visitors swapped
stories and recounted "the good old days." Registration fees were
donated to the building renovation project.
The Route 66 Heritage Foundation of Logan County was established
in 2006 to promote sites along Old Route 66 in Logan County. It
purchased The Mill, and volunteers began to turn the old restaurant
back into a stable building and viable site to give visitors a
snapshot of history that existed during the heyday of Route 66.
Members of the Railsplitter Antique Auto Club will meet for a
dinner and meeting at 6 p.m. Oct. 13 at Bryant's Arcade. The club's
www.railsplitterantiqueautoclub.web.com, is under construction
but will be ready to share events for the 2012 season.