Dr. Freesmeier's class, blood drive, household electronics recycling,
Save the Mill, Home Schooled P.E. program, Audrey Maske and Jaycees make Close Up
By Mike Fak
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30, 2011]
All are welcome to come
hear Dr. Dan Freesmeier explain probiotics and other health
and nutritional topics at Faith Lutheran Church, 3230 N. Kickapoo,
on Monday, Oct. 3, from 6 to 7 p.m. This is the same free class that
formerly met at the Logan County Department of Public Health but
will now be at Faith Lutheran Church on the first Monday night of
each month, from 6 to 7 p.m., with a new topic each month. Dr. Dan
will also be glad to discuss any other health-related questions you
might have. Please contact Faith Lutheran Church at 732-49s01 with
any questions. |
To help ensure an adequate
blood supply for our region, Lincoln Kiwanis is sponsoring a
blood drive at the Lincoln Masonic Center, 2022 N. Kickapoo, on
Monday, Oct. 3, from noon to 6 p.m. For your convenience, call
Jessica to sign up toll-free at 1-866-GIVE-BLD (1-866-448-3253),
ext. 118, or schedule an
appointment online through
Walk-ins are also welcome and truly appreciated.
household electronics recycling collection sponsored by the
Logan County Joint Solid Waste Agency in partnership with Vintage
Tech Recyclers is on Saturday, Oct. 1. The public is invited to this
free drop-off of household electronics -- computers, entertainment
and small business equipment -- for recycling. It's at the Logan
County Fairgrounds. The time is 9 a.m.-noon.
Oct. 1,
there will be a car cruise-in at The Mill to benefit Save the
Mill. The sponsors are the Lincoln Railsplitter Antique Auto
Club in conjunction with the Route 66 Heritage Foundation of Logan
County. The public is invited to come and visit and learn what
efforts are under way to preserve this iconic Route 66 building.
There will be food available as well as live music. The time is 11
a.m.-3 p.m.
Lincoln Park District is excited to offer a Home Schooled P.E.
program. Grades K-5 will meet on Thursdays from 1 to 1:45 p.m.
Junior high through high schoolers will run from 2 to 2:50 p.m. The
kickoff day will be Sept. 22. There will be six-week sessions,
taking a week off after each series and then resuming with another
six-week session. Plans are to take a Christmas/New Year's break and
then end with the conventional school year. Each six-week session
will be $25 for the first child and $15 for each additional sibling.
The park district asks that you please call them at 732-8770 and
ask for Roy in order to preregister. Or you may email them at
[to top of second column] |

Maske has been named September Senior-of-the-Month at Mount
Pulaski High School. Audrey is the daughter of Bill and Barbara
Maske of Mount Pulaski.
Audrey has been a class officer, serving as president her
freshman year and vice president her junior year. She is National
Honor Society secretary and Spanish Club vice president. Audrey is a
four-year member of the FFA, where she is currently the president of
the organization. She has also served as secretary and has
participated on the meats judging, livestock judging, parliamentary
procedure and public speaking teams. She has served as
secretary-treasurer of the Spirit Squad and vice president of the
Spanish Club. She has also served on prom committee and has been an
honor roll student throughout high school
Audrey has been a four-year member of the basketball, soccer and
track teams. She is co-captain of both the basketball and soccer
In the community, she has been a Vacation Bible School teacher
and has been employed by the Logan County treasurer's office.
Audrey plans to attend a four-year university to major in
The Senior-of-the-Month program is co-sponsored by Johnson's Food
Center and Mount Pulaski Pharmacy. Monthly winners are awarded $100
savings bonds and are eligible to compete for the $1,000
Senior-of-the-Year award.
Lincoln Jaycees are looking for volunteers to build and run
this year's annual haunted house attraction. Volunteers must be at
least 16 years of age. Anyone interested in helping can stop by the
Lincoln Jaycees Center, at 325 S. Chicago St., or contact Shelley
Hackett at 217-871-3009. |