The four-hour class every Friday includes topics on civic and
leadership components. Students learn about the Logan County
communities, the history, government structures, educational
opportunities, health care and housing resources, and community
organizations. Each year the class is divided into project groups
to work on assignments from the steering committee, which hopefully
will be relevant to issues and topics in Logan County.
This year the steering committee chose for the project groups to
work on some of the initiatives from the Economic Development Master
Plan for Logan County. This plan was designed by a consulting firm
that came and studied Logan County and developed initiatives that
our community can collectively work on to help improve growth,
quality of life and business in Logan County.
One of the project groups has been charged with the task of
identifying Logan County employees who would assist in the
implementation of the master plan. This group has developed a survey
to assist them in this process and is asking for your help. Please
take a moment to complete the survey, which can be found at
The survey results will be compiled Oct. 14. Your participation
would be appreciated. So, be sure to complete the survey before Oct.
14 and let your voice be heard.
[Text from file received]