You can
start by learning the basics. Ask Medicare, a service created by
the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services at
offers plenty of tips for the nation's 66 million caregivers.
The site features practical information such as enrolling in
Medicare, choosing a prescription drug plan, finding state and
local caregiving resources, how to get access to in-home
services, and more.
Ask Medicare offers a handy primer on Medicare benefits:
* Medicare Part A (hospital insurance) is for inpatient care in
hospitals, including room costs and meals. Skilled nursing
facilities, hospice and some home health care are also covered
under Part A.

* Medicare Part B (medical insurance) is for ambulance services,
doctor's services, outpatient care and some home health care.
Also covered are tests, shots and services to help maintain your
health, including pap tests, flu shots and various cancer
* Medicare Part C (private Medicare Advantage HMO or PPO plans)
covers Part A, Part B, and other services. Some Part C Medicare
Advantage plans also cover prescription drugs.
* Medicare Part D (prescription drug coverage) helps pay for
brand-name and generic prescriptions.
Ask Medicare can also direct you to supplemental programs,
* Medicare Savings Programs (MSPs) help pay Medicare expenses
and, in some cases, deductibles and coinsurance for those who
qualify and are available in all states. Go to
and click on "Caregiver Topics," then "Support for Caregivers,"
and "Financial Help for Caregivers" to learn more.