The evening began in the auditorium with information on financial
aid, presented by Kevin McKenzie, of the Illinois Student Assistance
Commission.After the program, students and their parents were
invited to the cafeteria to speak with representatives from
technical schools, colleges and universities, and recruiters from
the armed forces. More than 30 representatives from institutions of
higher learning and branches of the military were on hand to
distribute literature, answer questions and share information with
For example, LCHS junior Will Podbelsek and his mother, Ann,
spoke with Mollie Starke, assistant director of admissions from
Millikin University. Will has a sister who is a teacher and another
sister graduating next year with a degree in civil engineering. He
is interested in that field but has also considered teaching
physical education.
College Night offers students the opportunity to gather
information for comparisons. Students from high schools in and
surrounding Logan County were invited to the special event.
