Senior Life
News & information for the seniors in our community

sponsored by Friendship Manor

Farmers’ markets coupons available for low income seniors

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[September 02, 2011]  The Area Agency on Aging for Lincolnland has announced that persons 60 years of age and older who meet income guidelines are eligible for free coupons to be used to purchase a total of $21.00 worth of fresh fruits and vegetables at the Latham Park and Scully Park Farmers’ Markets.

Coupon booklets may be obtained at the Oasis Senior Center, 501 Pulaski Street, Lincoln from 9 a.m. until 12 p.m. on July 7th and 14th.

Coupons are available while supplies last, and are limited to one booklet per person per season. Participants are required to complete an application to receive the coupons.  

Maximum annual income is $20,147 for a single person household and $27,214 for a household of two.  $7,067 is added for each additional household member.

This popular program is made available by the United States Department of Agriculture and the Illinois Department of Human Services.

For more information, call the Area Agency on Aging at 787-9234 or 1-800-252-2918. 

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