To give your
look an age-appropriate revision, get started with these steps.
* Hair. One of the first signs of age is gray hair. Hair dye is
a solution that seems to help minimize the aging process, but
for many people, dyeing is a costly solution. Consider trying an
all natural supplement like Rise-n-Shine's all natural Go Away
Gray pills, which uses the enzyme catalase to bring back hair's
natural color. Catalase, produced naturally by the body during
youth, slowly begins to deplete as the years wear on. Catalase
breaks down hydrogen peroxide, which is naturally produced in
the body and which bleaches hair gray. Go Away Gray also comes
in shampoo and conditioner form, so fighting grays is easy for

* Clothes. Both men and women can benefit from bringing a bit of
modernity into their wardrobes. It isn't necessary to pore over
fashion magazines and cultivate an eye for haute couture. Seek
fresh takes on items that never go out of style, such as a
button down in the latest color trend. Don't go for too much
embellishment, as it can look overdone. Fits and cuts change as
years pass, and items as simple as white T-shirts can look
outdated just by having an older style collar. When shopping,
don't be afraid to ask questions; many stores offer
complimentary personal shopping services that can help in the
quest to look younger.
* Accessories. Clothes provide a palette, but accessories add
interest. It's extremely easy to fall into the trap of buying
items that are too juvenile, but it's just as easy to pick up
items that age your look. Accessories that are all about
function, with no thought given to style, are a quick way to
look older, but frivolous details like bows, ruffles, whimsical
prints and tons of pockets take things in the other direction.
Look for middle ground in sleek, understated items made with
quality materials. For a fun yet classy look, rely on
accessories to add a pop of color, rather than using them to
make a big statement.