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Rockefeller hosts W.Va. hearing on gas development

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[April 05, 2012]  FAIRMONT, W.Va. (AP) -- Sen. Jay Rockefeller is convening a field hearing in West Virginia to discuss the infrastructure demands of the growing shale-gas industry.

The West Virginia Democrat chairs the Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation.

The April 11 hearing in Fairmont will focus on transportation, pipeline, railroad and other needs of the gas industry to help jump-start American manufacturing.

Rockefeller says he'll also highlight the committee's jurisdiction over the development process and explore how infrastructure affects pre-drilling and post-drilling operations, and downstream development.

Rockefeller says none of the discussions on gas drilling in West Virginia has given the same level of attention to such issues.

Officials with Consol Energy Inc. and Chesapeake Energy Corp. are expected to attend, along with state Department of Transportation officials and leaders of communities in the Marcellus shale field.

[Associated Press]

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