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Not enough water in Mississippi to float steamboat

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[August 11, 2012]  MEMPHIS, Tenn. (AP) -- The ongoing drought has left the American Queen steamboat docked in Memphis, unable to paddle on down the Mississippi River because of low water.

A trip that began Aug. 3 at Louisville, Ky., was cut short well before the steamboat's destination of Vicksburg, Miss.

American Queen Steamboat Company's Tim Rubacky tells The Commercial Appeal ( navigation problems caused by sluggish river flow make it unwise for the Queen to go any farther south than Helena, Ark. The decision to lay up at Memphis was made after talking with the Coast Guard and the Army Corps of Engineers.

About 58 passengers remained aboard Thursday night. About 240 others went on to Vicksburg by bus.

Low water levels in the Mississippi are the result of high temperatures and lack of rain and snow farther north.


Information from: The Commercial Appeal,

[Associated Press]

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