[December 26, 2012]
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A balancing act. In a game that Railer
coach Neil Alexander called "chippy," the Railers lost to
Glenwood 59-37.
Picture by Dan Hemenway

"Hey! I was trying to take a nap here!"
Beverly Buhrmester spends a lot of time in the wild of Kickapoo
Creek Park, and lucky for us, she takes her camera with her. Here
she caught a shot of a beautiful buck taking a rest at the edge of
the wood.
Picture by Beverly Buhrmester

This mourning dove rests with its nestlings in
a flower basket on DeAnn Cooper's front porch. She said she talked to
them so they knew her voice, and they allowed her to get real close to
them. Cooper said they were interesting to watch.
Picture by DeAnn Cooper |

Mount Pulaski residents enjoyed an evening of
music on the courthouse lawn.
The Cavestani twin dogs enjoyed themselves, too.
Picture by Phil Bertoni |

Allen Schaal of Mount Pulaski captured a shot of the Mount Pulaski American Legion Ryman-Fuiten
Post 447 performing cemetery rites. The three-shot volley is a
traditional part of military rites for deceased soldiers.
Photo by Allen Schaal
Sarah Cook of Mount Pulaski caught sight of
this little guy and couldn't resist grabbing a snapshot. Cook said
she did some research on white-tailed squirrels and found they are
kind of rare. This is just one more thing to add to the list of all
the things that make Logan County in general and Mount Pulaski in
particular a very unique and interesting place to live.
Photo by Sarah Cook |

St. Patrick's Catholic Church hosted its
annual fried chicken dinner fundraiser. The church
enjoyed an excellent turnout, as they calculated 500 dinners were
served, up from 338 last year.
Photo by Phil Bertoni

A thunderstorm develops in northeastern Logan
County and southwestern McLean County in
this scene captured by Devin Biggs. He said he heard there were also
reports of a funnel but wasn't able to confirm that. Meanwhile, at
the same time in Lincoln, it did get a bit dark and the wind picked
up a little, but there was no rain falling from the menacing sky.
Photo by Devin Biggs |
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