[December 29, 2012]
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Pictures by LDN photographers unless otherwise
noted |

Oct. 9 -- Fall is upon us, and it is beginning
to reflect in the colors of the leaves. Over the weekend, several
trees at Kickapoo Creek Park were showing the signs of change, with
brilliant-colored leaves interspersed with those that are still
summertime green.

Oct. 8 -- Woofstock brings people and pets to
the park on a beautiful fall day

Oct. 11 -- Tuesday night the Mount Pulaski
Lady Toppers volleyball team posed with the Sangamon Valley team for
a picture commemorating the 2012 Volley for the Cure competition in
Mount Pulaski.
The night included food, games, raffles and of course volleyball,
all in support of those who are battling with breast cancer in the
two communities. At the end of the evening, the funds raised during
the event were divided equally among three recipients: Debbie
Knoelder of Mount Pulaski and Cory Miller and Paula Rizer of
Sangamon Valley. |


Oct. 8 -- Woofstock brings people and pets to
the park on a beautiful fall day
Oct 12 -- Once in a while a picture is just so
magnificent that no caption will do it justice. This shot taken
Sunday night near Broadwell is one of those times. |

Oct. 20 -- A break in a 10-inch water main in
front of the Tropics restaurant, between Hickox Drive and Lincoln
Parkway, resulted in minimal disruption at about 10:30 a.m. Friday.
The water main shot water about 30 feet in the air and into traffic
on Lincoln Parkway. |
Oct. 20 -- According to Karen Cotton,
spokeswoman for Illinois American Water Co., the main was quickly
shut down and the company was keeping two customers advised of the

Oct. 22 -- An afternoon with Blossom,
Remembering the days of "theme night" at The Mill, Blossom brought a
sombrero that patron Tim Becke got a real kick out of wearing. |

Oct. 22 -- An afternoon with Blossom,
And Blossom just couldn't resist putting her "flirt" on with tourism
director Geoff Ladd.
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