County Democrats to meet
The Logan County Democrats will meet on Saturday, Feb. 11, at 10
a.m. at the Owl's Roost Coffee Bar and Book Shop, 427 Pulaski St. in
Lincoln. All Logan County Democrats are welcome to attend.
The winner of the Democrats' Super Bowl raffle for the 42-inch
high-definition TV was Steve French of Lincoln.
Society soup luncheon Feb. 11
The Humane Society of Logan County will host their annual chili
and vegetable soup luncheon on Saturday, Feb. 11, at Friendship
Manor, 925 Primm Road. The hours are 11 a.m. until 2 p.m.
Tickets are $7 for chili or vegetable soup, homemade dessert, and
beverage. A hot dog meal will be available for $3. Carryouts will be
The luncheon will benefit the programs of the Humane Society of
Logan County.
The HSLC invites the public to join them to support the work of
mission statement and to learn about the exciting happenings at
the new shelter that aids the abused, neglected and abandoned
animals of Logan County.
spaghetti dinner & concert Feb. 11
First Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 110 Broadway St. in
Lincoln, will host an Agape ("God's Love") spaghetti dinner and
concert on Saturday, Feb. 11, at 5 p.m. For ticket information,
please call the office at 732-7568. Lesleigh Bennett will be in
concert and a love offering will be received.
County 4-H Foundation spaghetti meal Feb. 12
The Logan County 4-H Foundation's 14th annual spaghetti dinner
will be on Sunday, Feb. 12, from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the Knights
of Columbus Hall in Lincoln. The meal includes spaghetti and meat
sauce, salad, garlic bread, dessert, and drink. Donations only.
There will also be a silent auction including theme baskets and
items donated from various local businesses.
FFA breakfast
The annual Hartsburg-Emden FFA casserole breakfast will be on
Monday, Feb. 13, in the high school cafeteria. Serving will begin at
6:30 and continue until 9. The breakfast will consist of egg
casseroles, sweet rolls, coffee and orange juice. Donations will be
Writers Club to meet
Lincoln Writers Club will meet Tuesday, Feb. 14, at 6:30 p.m.
in the Alumni Room of the Lincoln College dining hall. Paul Ayers
will lead the meeting. Suggested writing topics are a fishing story,
a Valentine story or an older sibling story. All are welcome. For
more info, call 732-2723.
presentation in Elkhart by Paul Beaver
Elkhart Historical Society will present a lecture, "Little Known
Facts About Abraham Lincoln in Logan County, 1834-1860," given
by Paul Beaver, Lincoln College professor emeritus and historian, on
Friday, Feb. 17, at 5:30 p.m. at the Wild Hare Café in Elkhart.
Lincoln was a surveyor, lawyer and politician in and around Logan
County and left much documented information, some of which has
previously been reported incorrectly in hundreds of publications
over the years. Elkhart's internationally known cattle baron, John
Dean Gillett, was a friend of Mr. Lincoln's, and their relationship
will also be discussed. A revealing PowerPoint presentation will
accompany the talk.
For complete details, visit
http://www.elkharthistoricalsociety.org/. Phone 217-947-2238.
Oasis Senior Center will host two days of tax preparation
help for Mount Pulaski area citizens. You have the opportunity to
get free tax help at Vonderlieth Living Center on Feb. 23 and
March 22. Schedule an appointment by calling the Oasis at
732-6132. (Folks with more complicated income, including farm
estates, should consult an accountant or tax specialist.)
In addition, if you are interested in signing up for Illinois
Cares Rx, there will be someone available to help you sign up
online. Please call the Oasis soon for an appointment.