how to manage your nest egg during retirement can seem daunting
without proper guidance. Here are some tips to get you thinking
about your retirement income strategy from Thrivent Financial
for Lutherans.
Products with guarantees help retirees succeed
Establish a floor of income with product guarantee features.
Take a closer look at products like selected annuities to help
supplement your guaranteed income stream. When part of a broad
retirement strategy, guaranteed products can help provide you
with or supplement other income.
Asset management is critical
Make sure you have the right combination of stock market
exposure for long-term growth and investments for short-term
income and stability. Long-term equity exposure can help
portfolio growth and act as a hedge against inflation.
Short-term income should be managed more conservatively to
create added stability to your retirement strategy.
Protect your income strategy
Guard against the loss of income that can come with unexpected
catastrophic events. Even the best retirement strategy can be
rendered meaningless if unexpected health care costs, death or
other life-changing events occur. Protect your retirement by
ensuring you have the proper levels of life insurance and
long-term care insurance.