Across America a deadly plague envelopes Independent
Baptist churches, threatening to do untold damage to
the lives of many of our faithful teens. This
diabolical disease paralyzes the spiritual growth of
many young people at this particular time of the
This scourge is what I call The Summer Stop
With school now out, it’s so easy to get out of our
regular routines and halt healthy habits that we
developed during the more scheduled school year.
It’s easy to get lazy in the summer and stop doing
the things necessary for spiritual success.
The Apostle Paul urged young Timothy in II Timothy
3:14, “But continue thou in the things which thou
hast learned and hast been assured of.”
Often in the summer, teens are tempted to become
lazy and lackadaisical in their Christian lives.
They may sleep more, work less, and develop bad
In short, they may fall victim to The Summer Stop
How can a young person guard himself against
becoming the next spiritual casualty of this
paralyzing plague?
Continue In The Word.
The summer is not a time to slow down or stop in
your Bible reading. With school out, you should have
more time to devote to God’s Word.
Why not set a goal to read a certain portion of the
Scriptures this summer? You could easily read
through the New Testament this summer if you set
your mind to it.
Remember that your success or failure in your
Christian life is directly tied to what you decide
to do with the Bible. If you read it and heed it,
you will have success. If you disregard it and
disobey it, you will suffer.
In Joshua 1:8 we find the only usage of the word
success in the Scriptures. Joshua was given this
formula for success, “This book of the law shall not
depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate
therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to
do according to all that is written therein: for
then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then
thou shalt have good success.”
Continue In Your Worship.
Even with more time on their hands during the
summer, some teens attend church less while school
is out. Don’t take a vacation from God this summer.
Determine to be in church every time the doors are
opened. Going to a good Christian camp can be a
life-changing experience for you. Attend every youth
conference or teen rally your church endorses.

The summer is an opportune time to draw closer to God through
increased exposure to red-hot preaching and spiritually charged
Continue In Your Witness.
With additional time during the summer, why not increase your
witness? Set a daily or weekly goal for passing out tracts. Get
involved with your church’s bus ministry. Show up for soul winning.
Death takes no summer vacation. How many people in your area will
die while you are out of school? By being a faithful witness, you
may help keep someone out of hell.
When we think of summer vacations, we usually ask ourselves three
questions: 1.Where am I going? 2. How am I going to get there? 3.
What am I going to do when I get there?
Consider the summer that lies before you. Spiritually, where do you
want to go? Don’t you want to be a better Christian at the end of
the summer than you are right now?
How will you reach your desired spiritual destination? Bible
reading, prayer, and church attendance are requirements for you to
truly progress spiritually.
What are you going to do when you arrive at your desired
destination? Determine to do the will of God.
You don’t have to be another victim. You can be a victor. You can
defeat The Summer Stop Syndrome.
[Tony Bazen, Park Meadows Baptist] |