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Saturday, July 21, 2012

“Freedom of Religion” or “Freedom from Religion”

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For over 200 years, we have celebrated our independence--our own right to do as we please in governing our own lives. One of those freedoms is what the Bill of Rights calls—FREEDOM OF RELIGION. We can believe and worship God without punishment or threat.

Many thousands of Christians around the world die for that right each and every year. Yet in America--a country established for that very right--many will not give God the time of day, much less their lives.

What has happened is that millions now celebrate "Freedom from Religion" instead of the "Freedom of Religion." Some have succeeded in getting God kicked out of our schools, sporting events, public places and work places.

Today, much of society ridicules and mocks those who are serious about their faith. America’s only respectable form of bigotry is bigotry against religious people. And the only reason for hatred of religion is that it forces us to confront matters many would prefer to ignore.

To a great extent our society has gotten what it wanted - A society without God. But what good has it done? Since 1960, while the gross domestic product has nearly tripled, violent crime has increased at least 560 percent. Divorces have sky rocketed. The percentage of children in single-parent homes has become astronomical.

The United States leads the industrialized world in murder, rape and violent crime. At the same time, our elementary-school students rank at or near the bottom in tests of math and science skills. Since 1960, average SAT scores in our high schools have dropped 75 points.


In 1940, teachers identified the top problems in America’s schools as: talking out of turn, chewing gum, making noise and running in the hall. In 2005, teachers listed drugs, alcohol, pregnancy, suicide, rape and assault. 

We  have  become a  people who  are  losing  their  capacity for shock, disgust and outrage. How can we turn this nation back to God? Can it even be done? Yes! We can make a difference!                                         

The Bible says, "If my people which are called by my name will humble themselves, and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from Heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land." (II Chronicles 7:14)

Can America return to God? If America wants to - YES. The bigger question is, “Does God’s people want to?” Christians need to take a stand for God. But often it is the Christian who remains silent. Thank goodness our forefathers didn’t choose the same.

[Ron Otto, Lincoln Christian Church]


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