Let’s Never Forget Joyce Kinzie
First Presbyterian Church sponsors the June Central Illinois Regional Blood
Drive, and it is a memorial to the late Joyce Kinzie, who was a member of First
Presbyterian Church and very active in the Lincoln community. The Central
Illinois Community Blood Center is the sole provider of blood and blood products
to patients of hospitals in fourteen counties, including Abraham Lincoln
Memorial Hospital in Logan County.
Joyce passed away in September 2010 from pancreatic cancer. First Presbyterian
was, at the time of her death, planning a Special Blood Drive at the church in
her honor. After her death, that Blood Drive was so successful that the
congregation decided to have the annual June Blood Drive in her name.
This year’s Blood Drive is at the Masonic Temple on North Kickapoo Street
from noon – 6:00 P.M. on Monday, June 4, 2012.
What a wonderful way to honor Joyce’s memory by donating blood!
LifePointe Church of God will be hosting
Lincoln's First Quarter Auction in Lincoln.
This will take place June 5, 2012 at
LifePointe Church of God, 601 Pulaski St.
First Baptist Church, 101 Broadway
St. in Lincoln, will be having a basement sale
for missions, Friday, June 8th from 8-4.
Use entrance on Ottawa Street.
First Christian Church, 115 N.
Washington St. Family Life Center in
Mt. Pulaski is hosting VBS June 11 thru
15th from 9am to 11:45am. You
can register kids online
www.groupvbspro.com/vbs/ez/mpcc .
Plan to join us for a high flying adventure
learning how to: Trust God!
Faith/Zion Lutheran Vacation Bible School
June 11th - 15th
9 am - noon
At Faith Lutheran Church, 2320 N.
Kickapoo, Lincoln, (217) 732-4901.
Children ages 3 by June 1st through completion
of 4th grade.
Immanuel Lutheran Church, 1409 Pulaski
St. (near the high school) in Lincoln is hosting
VBS, "Operation Overboard" Sun., June 17 thru
Wed., June 20 for ages 4 through sixth
grade. Games start at 5:30 with a free supper at
6:00. VBS ends at 8:00 pm. To register., call
the church at 732-6777. Everyone is welcome.

Through the eyes of: Noah, David, Daniel, the
paralytic, & Peter
Sunday June 17 - Thursday June 21
6-8 PM
Children: Ages 5-12
Parents welcome: Adult Bible Lesson
(nursery provided)
Find out what is God saying to you in His Book!
Lincoln Bible Church, 2316 N. Kickapoo
St., Lincoln (217) 735-5959. Pre-register at
lincolnbiblechurch.org to be eligible for the
drawing of a new Veggie Tales DVD.
VBS Adventure in the Son! June 24-28, 2012 at Lincoln Christian Church,
204 N. McLean St. in Lincoln. Join us this summer for Sonrise National Park VBS,
a week of fun in the Son! As they participate in fun-filled activities, kids
will be pointed directly to Jesus! We will have a great time with lively songs,
hilarious skits, creative crafts, exciting games, Bible stories and tasty
snacks- all of the things that make Vacation Bible School so much fun for kids!
So, mark your calendar today! We can hardly wait for all we discover at VBS this
summer. AND, remember to invite ALL of your friends! For more information call
the church office at 732-7618.
Make your plans to attend this year’s VBS at JeffStreet, July
22nd thru July 26th. The
theme this year will be “Sky…Everything is possible with God”.
To register or for information visit the church website at