June is the month we celebrate Father’s Day. And for
many, they deserve this honor. We don’t simply want
to give equal billing to fathers this month because
we gave homage to mothers a month ago. It’s more
important than that.
The message that is going out to society today is
that fathers are simply not needed. The number of
women choosing to be single moms is growing
astronomically. But there are just as many men in
America today who father children they have no
intention of raising. The church, therefore, needs
to send out the message loud and clear that fathers
play a critical role in the life of the family.
I really hate the way fathers are portrayed on TV.
Most of them are either mentally unaware or total
buffoons. They bring about laughs but the subliminal
message is clear, “Fathers are idiots!”
Because of the message being broadcast over and
over, more and more wives believe they can raise a
family easier without the father figure. More and
more children are expressing less and less respect
for the father’s role. This was never God’s
intention. In fact, God has placed tremendous value
on the father figure.
The story on the radio the other day told of a wild
life preserve that had to remove several mature
elephants to make room … the adolescent elephants
became very unruly and began to attack the rhinos.
To fix the problem; they had to return some mature
male elephants to the herd. This cured the problem.
Father’s will have a powerful impact upon their
families. To do so with God’s blessing, they will
need to connect in two crucial areas.
One: the role of a father to connect to his God.
“And these words, which I have commanded you today,
shall be on your heart; and you shall teach them
diligently to your sons and daughters…” (Deuteronomy