Gladys Ubbenga Estate
White Auction House
501 S. Kickapoo St. Lincoln, IL 62656
Saturday, March 3, 2012 10:00 a.m.
Oak pedestal table w/5 leaves/6 chairs; yellow formica top alum. leg
table/3 chairs; wicker baby buggy; cast iron skillets; stereo/radio
cabinet; 2 Singer Featherweight machines; treadle machine cabinet; horse
collar; haymes; dbl. trees; tractor seat; wooden pulleys; planes;
Craftsman plane; horseshoes; 2 man cross cut saw; hand saws & other old
tools; tool box; 1940’s blue fabric chair-good condition; wooden high
chair; mahogany antique side chair; kerosene lamps; quilts; 1 & 2 gal.
crocks; jugs; angel collection; Dept. 56 Christmas houses;
doilies/tablecloths/hankies; wide variety Longaberger baskets ranging
from 1967 – 2005; 2 Lehn & Fink cups/ornament; china bowl; large blue
jardinière; toys/games; pens/pencils; bell collection; figurines;
jewelry; hurricane lamp; canes; milk glass hobnail lamps; front
plate-lock box; Lefton china; Roseville; Fenton leaded glass.
FURNITURE: Maple dry sink; maple
queen bed/dresser/chest/2 night stands; sofa table w/glass insert; maple
quilt stand; matching table lamps; queen bed-1950-60’s/sgl dresser w
mirror/5 dr. chest; oak pedestal table w/6 caned back chairs-excellent
condition; tea cart; oak entertainment center; lighted hall cabinet
w/glass; coffee/end tables; couch w/matching loveseat; occasional chair;
glider footstool; couches; recliners; rockers; lamp table; card
table/chairs; RCA TV; Lester piano.
“Diane”china-setting for 16; matching blue stemware; partial set Mikasa
“Whole Wheat” dishes; records; golf clubs/cart; wicker stool/magazine
rack/hamper; fans; ProForm T50 Treadmill; Health Walker/Exerciser;
corner shelf; hall tree; folding tables; Sony boombox; floor lamps;
silverplate coffee/tea set; sheets/blankets/throws/towels; foot
massager; luggage; frames/pictures; tall mirror; clocks; Eureka sweeper;
Dirt Devil; weather alert; Pentax camera w/case/McCosmicar Zoom, 1:4
70-200; phones; sm. appliances; misc. dishes/utensils/bakeware; pots &
pans; silk flowers/holiday decs.
3.5 hp lawn mower; circular saw; wheel barrow; fertilizer cart; alum
ladder; step ladders; metal shelving; yard ornaments; saw horses;
coolers; sprinkling can; trash cans; lawn chairs; weed eater; animal
carrier; grill; hand tools; pots/vases.
NOTE: There are many nice pieces of
furniture, lamps and glassware. There is a wide variety of items that
will fit any budget.
Gladys Ubbenga Estate, Hartsburg, IL.
There are many more items than are
Viewing Friday, March 2 from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm.
Terms: Cash on the day of the sale
or check with a valid picture ID.
Not responsible for accidents or for
items after they are sold.
Announcements on the day of the sale
take precedence over printed material.
White Auction Service
Auctioneers: Col. Dan White & Gary Morris, IL #381 & 185
501 S. Kickapoo St., Lincoln, IL 62656
Phone: 217-732-4718 or Cell: 217-737-8984
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Large Annual Multi Farmer and
Spring Consignment Auction
Friday March 16, 2012
We will start accepting consignments
Monday March 5th
For more information, see below.
To be held at the Sanert Auction Center
at 259 N. Engle St. in Greenview, Il.
(approx. 21 Miles north of Springfield, Il. Rt. 29
Tractors will sell at 12 noon
We have listed the BREE FAMILY CLOSE-OUT
AUCTION from San Jose: 1983 John Deere 4450 W/ 5615
HRS; 1978 John Deere 4440 W/ 6110 HRS, John Deere 7200 Conservation 8-30
planter (NICE), Great Plains 15 Ft. Grain Drill W/ Grass seeder; Woods
MD 315 Batwing Shredder; John Deere 714 Disc-Chisel; M&W 300 B Side Dump
Wagon W/1-year-old 12-Ton Unerverth Gear,Dirt Scraper
Equipment from WALTER LYNN ESTATE, Mason City:
Case-IH MX100C MFWD Tractor, Cab W/Great Bend 660
Loader, 3600 HRS; Kinzie 8-30 No-Till Planter, John Deere 6620 Combine,
John Deere 216 Platform, John Deere 643 Cornhead, John Deere 7700 HYDRO
Combine, International 1800 Twin-srew Tandem W/18FT. Bed; 3 Chevrolet
Grain Trucks, Pick-ups Semi Tractors, Trailers, Construction Equipment;
Tillage Mowers, Hay Equipment, Sprayers, Wagons and Augers, Livestock
equipment, Hay & Posts, Lawn and Garden, Lumber, and other items.
To get top dollar for your equipment give
us a call to get it in the advertisements. Advertising deadline is Feb.
We will start accepting consignments on
Monday March 5th- thru Wed. March 14 from 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. . We will not
accept overhead fuel tanks or used tires.
Ron Sanert
Office:(217) 968-7075 Mobile:(217) 652-2650
Gordon Watkins -
Mobile (309) 657-0297
Eldred Nehmelman
Mobile: (217) 341-8406
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