Lincoln First Church of the Nazarene presents…a Children’s Ministries
Pancake Breakfast Saturday, March 17th from 8am to 11am at the church,
located at 2501 Woodlawn Road in Lincoln. There will be a free will offering.
They will be featuring original, blueberry, and chocolate chip pancakes with a
side of sausage and a choice of coffee, orange juice, or milk. Cost will be a
free will offering, all proceeds will go to furnishing the children’s ministry’s
brand new class room! Door prizes awarded every half hour. So please invite your
friends and come hungry!
First Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 110
Broadway, invites the community to join them for lent services every Wednesday
at 10 a.m. and 7p.m. thru March 28th. For more information please
phone 732-7568 or email: