Gillette Ransom's goats -- a leap day bonus

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[March 13, 2012]     Send a link to a friend

For a nanny goat to have triplets is about as rare as a leap year, but for a nanny goat to have triplets on the leap year leap day was a special treat for goat owner Gillette Ransom.

Recently Phil and Gini Bertoni paid a visit to Ransom, and here are some of the adorable photos they took of the three baby goats, the mama and some other recent arrivals at the Ransom farm.

Pictures by  Phil Bertoni

Gillette Ransom and Gini Bertoni carry the triplets out for their first play outside.

Helper Nathan Runyon of Broadwell holds the newest kid.



As the triplets frolic, the one in foreground is airborne.

The triplets fight over the two available teats.


Mother Bernadette has her triplets in tow.


Two other nannies share an indoor pen with their recent offspring kids.



Less than 30 minutes after birth, a newborn struggles to stand beside its mother, Nilli Vanilly.




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