Meetings were on April 12 and 13, and on April 16 the chapter
hosted its annual banquet. April 12
Michelle Ott gave the treasurer's report. In old business,
Corrine Brown gave a report on some recent FFA chapter activities.
For new business, Brown gave a report on the FFA chapter banquet
scheduled for April 16 at 7 p.m. in the high school auditorium.
Various FFA members and their families will bring desserts that will
be enjoyed after the banquet. She also went over the tentative
agenda of events for the evening.
Brown also talked about the upcoming Ag Day sponsored by the FFA
on May 3 at Olympia High School. This event will bring grade school
students from the Olympia School District to the high school, where
they will learn about different areas of the agriculture industry.
Reports were also given on the upcoming greenhouse plant sale at
the high school May 3-4, the state FFA convention in Springfield
June 12-14 and the Section 9 FFA Fair in Bloomington in July.
April 13 meeting
The FFA Alumni had a work session April 13 in the high school ag
room. Alumni chapter members judged the school's FFA senior class
members who had applied for the $1,000 annual FFA Alumni Scholarship
to be awarded at the chapter banquet.
Brown, the Olympia High School vo-ag teacher, read the list of
applicants and their accomplishments to the judges. The applicants
were Kali Hartzold, Ashley Kauffman and Eric Sheppleman. They were
then interviewed by chapter members Jeff Schnieder, Kyle Haning, Ray
Mohr, Michelle Ott, Treena Glenn and Brown.
The judges' final decisions would be announced at the banquet.
April 16 FFA banquet
The Olympia High School FFA had its chapter banquet April 16 in
the high school auditorium. Approximately 100 people were in
attendance, including FFA parents, alumni members and other
supporters of the program.
The FFA officer team conducted the opening ceremonies, followed
by the FFA Creed by Rachael Koch and Taylor Desch.
The program began with Erik Sheppleman naming the FFA Foundation
Kali Hartzold presented certificates of appreciation to various
supporters of the FFA.
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Cross of Normal were given this year's FFA
Honorary Degree.
Seven FFA members received the GPA Scholarship Award.
Eighteen members received Greenhand Degree. Rachael Koch received
the Star Greenhand award, Taylor Desch was named the Outstanding
Freshman, and Bryson Gottschalk was given the Freshman Leadership
Nineteen members received the FFA Chapter Degree. Micah Ott was
named the Outstanding Sophomore, Tanner Springer earned the
Sophomore Leadership Award, and Evan Jodlowski received the Star
Chapter Farmer Award.
[to top of second column] |
Guests enjoyed a slide show of the FFA year in review.
Then awards were given to this year's junior class members. The
Outstanding Junior went to Klair Hartzold and the Junior Leadership
Award went to Evan Jodlowski.
A slide show recognized six senior FFA members who have been
members for all four years. Senior awards were then given. Kali
Hartzold received the Outstanding Senior Award, Erik Sheppleman
earned the Senior Leadership Award, and Ashley Kauffman received the
DeKalb Award.
Ott, the alumni treasurer, presented Erik Sheppleman with the
$1,000 Alumni Scholarship. He will attend the University of Illinois
in Champaign, majoring in animal sciences.
Hannah Ziegler of the McLean County Farm Bureau presented the
Farm Bureau Service Award to Kali Hartzold.
Brown presented awards to the retiring FFA officers, and the
officer team conducted the closing ceremonies, with Klair Hartzold
giving the final remarks.
The labor auction immediately followed the closing. FFA chapter
officers and the ag teacher were auctioned off for a day of labor
going to the highest bidder. The money will benefit the Olympia FFA.
At the end of the evening, everyone was invited to the school
cafeteria for an ice cream social. Guests enjoyed the wide variety
of desserts brought in by FFA member families, and ice cream was
provided by the chapter.
The Olympia FFA Alumni chapter draws its members from parts of
Tazewell, DeWitt, Logan, McLean and Woodford counties.
FFA officers for 2012-2013:
Klair Hartzold,
Chase Allen, vice
Kuena Glueck,
Christine Todd,
Micah Ott, reporter
Steve Wiehmeir,
Tanner Springer, historian
FFA Alumni officers for 2012-2012:
Sharon Hartzold,
Michael Wheet, vice
Carrie Glaser,
Michelle Ott,
Kyle Haning, reporter
Don Begolka, member at large
Both chapters are under the direction of the Olympia High School
ag teacher.
[Text from file received from Kyle
Haning, alumni chapter reporter]