Saturday, Nov. 17, St. John United Church of
Christ, 204 7th St. in Lincoln, will be hosting another
3rd Saturday Community Meal for the public. The meal is free
for everyone and will be served from 5 – 7 p.m. Come eat and
have fun meeting new people. The event is sponsored by Logan
County Love.
Free Thanksgiving Dinner this Sunday evening, Nov. 18th
from 5pm to 7 pm at Open Arms Fellowship, 311
Broadway St. in Lincoln. Public is invited.
November 27, 2012 at 6:30p.m. LifePointe Church
of God, 601 Pulaski St. in Lincoln, will hosting a
quarter auction. Bring your quarters and come have a lot of
fun! Let\\\'s work on your Holiday shopping together! All
proceeds will go to send packages to our troops! Door open
to the public at 6:00pm. Food and drinks are available.

Grief Share meets each
Tuesday at 6:30 pm through the end of November. Meeting will
be at Jefferson Street Christian Church, room 208
What is Grief Share: Grief Share is support group for people
that are struggling to deal with the pain of losing a loved
one. It involves prayer, opportunities to share your grief
journey with others that are learning to cope, and a video
curriculum of experts who share their knowledge as well as
their own experiences with grief. There is no cost to
attend. The optional workbook is $20.
For more info: Contact Greg Wooten at Lincoln Church of
the Nazarene (732-8362) or Jefferson Street Christian Church