The United Methodist Church in Hartsburg would like
to invite all children and adults to come join us as we
celebrate National Children's Day this Sunday October 14.
We will be holding a Children's Sabbath Service at 9:30
a.m. During the service there will be a special offering
for donation to the Chidren's Defense Fund. The service
will be from 9:30 to 10:30 with a reception afterwards at
the church.
Please come joins us as we celebrate the children of
the community The youth and children will have a huge
part in the service.
The Musical Offering for World Hunger will present its 20th
concert at the Lincoln Christian Church Sanctuary on
Sunday, Oct. 14th. The concerts began when
Tim Searby and Linda Storm approached the Harvest Ministry
Team with the idea of presenting a concert to benefit world
hunger. Music is where they are gifted and they wanted to
use their gifts to help feed hungry people. Four of the
original performers will be appearing in this concert: Jim
Alllison, Gail King, Tim Searby and Linda Storm. Featured
music will range from the Classics to Contemporary. Treat
your friends who are music lovers to an afternoon of
excellent music and help feed the hungry. A free will
offering will be received.
Zion Ladies Aid, in conjunction with Thrivent Financial, is
hosting a Harvest Soup Supper Thursday, Oct. 18, 4:30
to 6:30 p.m. in the Christian Education Bldg at 205
Pulaski St. in Lincoln. All you can eat Chili or
Vegetable Soup will be served with dessert and a beverage.
For more information phone 732-3946.
The Atlanta
United Methodist Women are holding a winter-wear give away
to help families in need get ready for cold weather. There
will be a selection of gently worn or new coats, hats,
gloves and some boots. This will be held in the basement of
the Atlanta United Methodist Church from 10 A.M. to
Noon on Saturday, October 20TH. The church is
located at the corner of 2ND and Race Streets and is
handicapped accessible.

Ninth Annual Service of Remembrance
The wellness ministry of Lincoln Christian Church, 204 N.
McLean St in Lincoln, will host the Ninth Annual Service of
Remembrance on Sunday, November 4, 2012, at 3:00
p.m. in the church sanctuary.
The purpose in providing this yearly gathering is
threefold: to celebrate God’s gift of life and to worship
Him for it; to honor the lives of loved ones who have died,
particularly during the past year; and to provide a
corporate opportunity for loved ones to process, express and
heal from their grief.
A special part of the service will be a time when each
person who has died will be named individually and a candle
will be lit in his or her memory and honor. Everyone is
invited to attend and participate in this service of memory
and honor for loved ones.
We invite those who have lost loves ones during the past
year to submit a photo of your loved one by
October 22 in order to be included in the pictures
displayed in a power point presentation during the service.
You can bring or mail the photo to the Lincoln Christian
Church office, where it will be scanned and returned to
you. Or, if you have a digital photo, you can send it
directly, via email, to
The wellness ministry team will host a time of fellowship
following the service.
Grief Share meets each
Tuesday at 6:30 pm through the end of November. Meeting will
be at Jefferson Street Christian Church, room 208
What is Grief Share: Grief Share is support group for people
that are struggling to deal with the pain of losing a loved
one. It involves prayer, opportunities to share your grief
journey with others that are learning to cope, and a video
curriculum of experts who share their knowledge as well as
their own experiences with grief. There is no cost to
attend. The optional workbook is $20.
For more info: Contact Greg Wooten at Lincoln Church of
the Nazarene (732-8362) or Jefferson Street Christian Church