Although invitations and a reply card
have been sent to the veterans the group has addresses for, it is
not too late for any veteran who did not receive an invitation to
call in a reservation request to Tonita Reifsteck, 732-9796; the
youth sponsors, Jonathan and Tami Pagel, 732-4500; or the church,
732-6957. Seating can then be arranged. The evening will begin
with a light meal served from 5 to 6 p.m. and a tribute to the
various branches of service by the Don Smith Band, which will
provide dance music from 5 to 7:30.
The youth along with their sponsors, the Pagels, plan and host
fundraisers all year for this celebration to honor the veterans of
Logan County or any veteran who was deployed from Logan County.
The St. John Youth Group will also honor the veterans of their
church on Nov. 4 during the 10:30 a.m. worship service with a
"Litany Remembering All Those Who Serve" and will present each
veteran with a special gift.
Those veterans are Loren Birnbaum, Josh Bismark, Adam Bock, Bob
Borowiak, Charles Brainard, Erik Brickman, Kenneth Brickman, John
Cassens, Rod Christensen, Phillip Gehlbach, Gerald Gehrke, Dan Gosda,
Gerald Gosda, David Hansen, Homer Harris Jr., Jack Leich, Robert T.
Lenhardt, Eric Leslie, Don McCann, Scott Mara, Robert Meinershagen,
Anthony Morey, Richard Morgan, Wilbur Paulus, Arthur Rohrer, Ron
Sprague, Ray Turner, Donald Werkman, Eddie White, Lawrence Wilham
Jr., James Wilmert, Wilbur Wilmert and Mark Wilson.
Park District nominating petition forms now available
BEASON -- Nominating petition forms for the April 9, 2013,
election in Chestnut-Beason Park District are now available. Forms
may be picked up in the office of the board secretary at 1707 2150th
Ave., Beason, on any business day between 5 and 7:30 p.m.
A park district candidate's petition must be filed in the same
office no earlier than 8 a.m. on Dec. 17 and no later than 5 p.m.
Dec. 21.
Candidates' names will appear on the election ballot in the order
in which their nominating papers are received in the secretary's
Two seats on the seven-member park board will be filled at the
April 9 election. Candidates elected will serve six-year terms
expiring in April 2019.
Fare feature of 29th Harvest of Talents
When the doors open to the 29th annual Harvest
of Talents for World Hunger, on Oct. 27 at 7 a.m., the event will include
Harvest Fare, an area of the Harvest which in the past bore no official
name. In recent years the area has existed
between the canopy entrance to the Lincoln Christian Church
Fellowship Center and the parking lot. The name was officially
chosen on recommendation of Tim Becke, Harvest Ministry Team member
who oversees the outside area.
The 2012 version of Harvest Fare will
include the ever-popular deep-fried potato chips, from both white
and sweet potatoes; walking tacos, prepared and served by the staff
of International Disaster Emergency Service, which receives the
proceeds from the Harvest of Talents; Lincolnberry Prairie Café,
featuring flavored coffees, scones and a variety of snacks, along
with brisket and maple ham sandwiches; and the Potting Shed, a new
booth offering a variety of plants and bulbs.
Becke commented, "We are
anticipating new booths to be added to Harvest Fare in celebration
of next year's 30th annual Harvest."
Craft areas in the Fellowship
Center will feature hundreds of handmade items, many one-of-a-kind.
Special areas include Yesteryear's Kitchen, with hundreds of jars of
jams and jellies and a wide variety of baked goods; the Christmas
Nook; Cottage Collectibles, with repurposed and shabby chic items;
and Critters in the Garden. Other areas featuring goods and services
are Ye Olde Sweet Shop, Blings 'n Things, Origami Creations, and
henna designs and face painting. Gifts From Around the World will
offer a wide variety of items from countries around the world, some
of which have been the recipient of Harvest funds in past years.
Breakfast of homemade cinnamon and
caramel pecan rolls will be served from 7 until 10 a.m. The luncheon
menu includes homemade vegetable soup, barbecue sandwiches and
homemade pies. Snacks will be available in Harvest Fare for Harvest
shoppers or for those who just drop by Harvest Fare for tasty foods.
A 5K Harvest Run and one-mile fun
run-walk will be hosted by the local YMCA and sponsored by several
local business. The run will begin at 8:30 a.m. at the corner of
Pekin and Hamilton streets. Early registrations are being accepted
at the local YMCA office. For more information, contact the YMCA at
217-735-1915 or 800-282-3520, or visit
In keeping with the Harvest's
desire to be family-oriented, there will be special activities for
children from 9 to 11 .a.m.
Auctions are a highlight of the
Harvest of Talents for World Hunger, and this year there will be
four. In the morning hours there will be two silent auctions in the
Fellowship Center and one in Harvest Fare. The official Harvest
Auction will begin at 2 p.m. Mike Maske Auction will be in charge of
the sale, which will offer unique handmade quilts, fine needlework,
woodworking, photography, repurposed pieces, small furniture and
many one-of-a-kind items.
The items offered for sale on
Harvest Day include a wide variety of quality handmade items
suitable for gift-giving for birthdays, new arrivals and Christmas.
Every penny raised at the Harvest
is used to meet hunger needs worldwide. No administrative costs are
deducted. All proceeds from the Harvest of Talents will be channeled
by International Disaster Emergency Service, a Kempton, Ind.-based
Christian organization, to hunger victims worldwide.
The Harvest of Talents originated
at Lincoln Christian Church in 1984. In the first 28 years,
Lincoln's Harvest of Talents for World Hunger raised $1,636,092.89
to provide food for the hungry in 21 countries, including the U.S.
This year the Lincoln church is joined in its mission by churches in
Tennessee, Missouri, Indiana, Kansas and Illinois. The public is
cordially invited to attend. Lots of parking space is available, the
facilities are handicapped-accessible, and carryouts are available.
The next day all funds raised will
be presented to International Disaster Emergency Service at a 10
a.m. Sunday celebration service open to the public in the chapel of
Lincoln Christian University.
For more information, call
732-7618, email or visit
United Methodist celebrates National Children's Day this Sunday
HARTSBURG -- The United Methodist Church in
Hartsburg invites children and adults to come and celebrate National
Children's Day this Sunday, Oct. 14.
The church will have a children's Sabbath service from 9:30 to 10:30
a.m. The youth and children will have a huge part in the service,
and there will be a special offering for donation to the Children's
Defense Fund.
Afterward there will be a reception
at the church.
Visitors are invited to join in
celebrating the children of the community.
Pastor Tami Werschey-Kessinger is
the pastor of the church.
Jefferson School rummage sale Tuesday
Jefferson School, 710 Fifth St., is having a
rummage sale on Tuesday, Oct. 16, from 3:30 to 6 p.m. Some of the items
included in the sale are TVs, VCRs, bikes and educational items too numerous
to mention.
The sale will be in the garden behind the
school, at Sixth and Adams. In case of inclement weather, the sale will be
moved into the school gym.
Ladies Aid hosts harvest soup supper
Zion Lutheran Church Ladies Aid, in
conjunction with Thrivent Financial, is hosting a harvest soup supper
Thursday, Oct. 18, from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. in the church's Christian
Education Building, 205 Pulaski St. in Lincoln.
All-you-can-eat chili or vegetable
soup will be served with dessert and a beverage.
For more information, phone
Auxiliary to host book sale and Gold Refinery event
The Abraham Lincoln Memorial Hospital
Auxiliary will host the Gold Refinery and a book sale Monday and Tuesday,
Oct 15 and 16.
Funds raised by the ALMH Auxiliary are
used to benefit programs of Abraham Lincoln Memorial Hospital.
The public is invited to bring
their unwanted necklaces, bracelets, earrings, platinum, silver,
coins, rings, watches and more to the gold event. Those who attend
will have an opportunity to be paid cash for their unwanted items.
The book sale will offer unique
children's books, cookbooks, inspirational books, gift items and
The events will run from 10 a.m. to
5 p.m. Monday and from 6:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tuesday. Both will be at
Abraham Lincoln Memorial Hospital. The Gold Refinery event will be
outside the Woods Café, and the book sale will be in the Steinfort
Conference Center.
Organized in 1951, the purpose of
the ALMH Auxiliary is to promote public relations, provide volunteer
services and conduct fundraising for the hospital.
To learn more about the ALMH
Auxiliary and volunteer opportunities, contact Lynne Metz at
217-605-5701 or visit
and Harbor Light Hospice invite community to chat over coffee Oct. 22
MOUNT PULASKI -- Vonderlieth Living Center and
Harbor Light Hospice invite the community to a "meet and greet" coffee chat
Oct. 22 from 9 to 11 a.m. at Buff’s Family Restaurant, 102 S. Washington in
Mount Pulaski. Coffee, juice and cinnamon
rolls will be provided.
For more information, call Harbor Light
Hospice at 217-875-4395.
VFW to sponsor blood drive
To help ensure an adequate blood supply for
the region, the Lincoln Veterans of Foreign Wars will host a blood drive
from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 13, at 915 Fifth St.
For your convenience, call Alexis to
sign up toll-free at 1-866-GIVE-BLD (1-866-448-3253), ext. 158, or
schedule an appointment online using sponsor code 60505 at Walk-ins are also welcome and truly
Central Illinois Community Blood
Center, a not-for-profit organization, is the provider of lifesaving
blood for 14 hospitals throughout central Illinois, including
Abraham Lincoln Memorial Hospital and Springfield's Memorial Medical
Center and St. John's Hospital. CICBC is a division of the
Mississippi Valley Regional Blood Center, which collects over
180,000 units of blood annually and serves 85 hospitals in Illinois,
Iowa, Missouri and Wisconsin.
Public Library announces new program for seniors
ATLANTA -- The Atlanta Public Library invites the community to a
series of monthly events for seniors. The series is called "This
Golden Age" and is about making life matter no matter how old you
are. This Golden Age tackles topics of particular interest to people
over 50. The monthly events begin Oct. 16 and are scheduled for nine
The series kicks off at the Atlanta Community House with Bruce
Boeck, a practicing counselor for over 30 years, who will speak on
"Renewed Hope: When Getting Old Gets You Down." Boeck has worked
extensively with children, adolescents, adults and seniors, as well
as couples and families. A longtime resident of Normal, he is
currently the program director of a counseling program for seniors,
"Renewed Hope," based at the Hopedale Medical Complex. Boeck will
discuss the natural mood changes that occur with aging, how
depression is different for seniors than for younger people and how
to differentiate depression from dementia. The event will begin with
a light breakfast at 8:30 a.m., followed by the presentation from 9
to 10.
On Nov. 13, the series continues with "That Naughty Nutrition,"
with dietitian Karen Watt, who will cook up some delicious and
healthy snacks that meet the changing dietary needs of seniors.
This Golden Age is sponsored by the Hopedale Medical Complex, the
Atlanta Doctor's Office and Quiram-Peasley Funeral Home.
Reservations are encouraged but not required. For more
information, contact the Atlanta Public Library at 217-648-2112 or
Elkhart Historical Society presents 'Christmas According to
ELKHART -- In early
November, the Elkhart Historical Society will present "Christmas According
to Hollywood." The presentation will explore favorite Christmas movies and
some little-known facts about them in an evening of relaxation, laughter and
a meal at the Wild Hare Café before the holiday rush begins.
The event will be on Nov. 9 at 5:30
p.m.Each Christmas we
immerse ourselves in sentimentality brought to us courtesy of
Hollywood. The modern history of Christmas has included many
sentimental, poignant and funny movies, from Jimmy Stewart in "It's
a Wonderful Life" to Bing Crosby and Danny Kaye in "White
Christmas." We enjoy watching Scrooge from "A Christmas Carol" and
the eternally optimistic, yet cursed Clark Griswold from "National
Lampoon's Christmas Vacation." Who can forget "A Christmas Story"
with Darren McGavin and the reminiscing about that first BB gun and
sometimes a "confession" to admiring or even owning the leg lamp
that gave McGavin's character so much delight.
The cost for the evening is $25 per
For reservations, call
217-947-2238. Reservation forms may be downloaded from, or pick up a reservation form
at Horsefeathers in Elkhart.
paper shredding & hard drive destruction Saturday
Are you worried about your
personal information getting into the wrong hands? If so, bring your
financial records, old tax returns and other sensitive household records to
be shredded and destroyed in a secure and confidential manner at the Logan
County Fairgrounds on Saturday morning, Oct. 13. Hard drives will also be accepted
for shredding. Proper disposal of sensitive information may prevent
individuals in your household from becoming the victim of identity theft.
Hours will be from 9 a.m. to
noon. Participants should enter the fairgrounds at the main gate.
The last glass recycling collection of the year will
also be at the same time and location.
The State Bank of Lincoln and the Logan County
Joint Solid Waste Agency are co-sponsoring the free program for
on-site confidential paper shredding and hard drive destruction.
Participants will be limited to five bags or boxes
of materials to be shredded and are asked to ensure that no plastic,
glass, trash or non-paper items are brought to the collection. The
hard drives must be removed from the computers before participants
bring in the hard drives to be destroyed. Participants will be
responsible for the disposal of bags and boxes brought to the
People bringing in papers and hard drives will be
able to watch the shredding and destruction via a camera located in
the bed of the shredding truck. Participants should maintain
possession of their materials until they are brought to the truck
for shredding. Sponsors of the paper shredding and hard drive
destruction are not responsible for any materials left unattended
prior to or during the shredding event.
For more information on the paper shredding and
hard drive destruction, contact Mitzi Rohlfs, Logan County Joint Solid Waste
Agency coordinator, at 732-9636 or visit the agency's website at and select "Joint
Solid Waste Agency."
monthly glass collection for 2012 on Saturday
The Logan County Joint
Solid Waste Agency, in collaboration with the Lincoln Woman's Club and Verallia Saint-Gobain Containers, will have its last monthly glass
collection for 2012 on Saturday, Oct. 13, at the Logan County Fairgrounds from 9 a.m.
to noon.The collection will be canceled
in event of inclement weather.
are reminded that only container glass will be accepted during the
collection. Container glass is any glass that formerly held either a
food or beverage product. All colors of glass will be accepted. The
glass recycling program will no longer accept broken glass due to
safety issues.
Participants are asked to thoroughly rinse all
containers and remove all plastic or metal lids and rings and foil
labels. Paper labels may be left on the containers. Due to the large
volume of glass being collected, the recycling program reserves the
right to refuse any glass that does not meet the preparation
The glass recycling program does not accept light
bulbs, fluorescent lights, window glass, mirrors, ceramics, dishware
or CorningWare items. Participants are asked to comply with the
glass collection guidelines, as a single piece of ceramic material
or a light bulb can contaminate an entire load of glass.
Information on the county's recycling programs is
available by contacting the Logan County Joint Solid Waste Agency Office at
217-732-9636 or by accessing the agency's website at and selecting "Joint
Solid Waste Agency."
[to top of second
column] |

'Babe' comes to Atlanta Public Library
ATLANTA -- The Atlanta Public Library's popular Saturdays on the Lawn
program will conclude on Oct. 13 with an outdoor showing of the movie
"Babe." The family evening includes a wiener roast and other activities.
The event is free and runs from 6 to 9 p.m. It's an opportunity to
kick off the fall season and learn about the programs planned this
year at the library.
Popular with kids and enjoyable for adults as well, "Babe" is a
comic fable about not fitting in and the lengths to which an
ordinary pig will go to find acceptance -- even daring to be a
sheepdog. Babe's approach to barnyard life is different than all the
other animals, and he reminds us that life can be more challenging,
but all the sweeter, for the pig who marches to the tune of a
different drummer.
Join the group around the fire on the library lawn for an evening
of family fun, games and good food. Bring your own lawn chairs and
hot dogs. The library will provide sticks, buns, condiments,
marshmallows and other goodies.
Saturdays on the Lawn is sponsored by grants from the Mirza Arts
and Culture Fund of the Illinois Prairie Community Foundation and by
the Jerome Mirza Foundation. The Atlanta Methodist Church is the
lead sponsor of the Oct. 13 family event.
For more information, contact the library at 217-648-2112 or email
United Methodist Women host winter-wear giveaway Oct. 20
ATLANTA -- The Atlanta United Methodist Women
are organizing a winter-wear giveaway to help families in need get ready for
cold weather. There will be a selection of gently worn or new coats, hats,
gloves and some boots. This will be available in the basement of the Atlanta
United Methodist Church from 10 a.m. to noon on Oct. 20.
The church is at the corner of Second
and Race streets and is handicapped-accessible.
for 'It's a Wonderful Life: A Live Radio Play' Oct. 14
DELAVAN -- Have you always wanted to be in a play but were afraid of
memorizing lines? Here is the show for you. Prairieland Theatre Company will
perform "It's a Wonderful Life: A Live Radio Play" on Dec. 8 at 8 p.m. and
Dec. 9 at 3 p.m. at The Farmhouse Banquet & Event Center in Delavan.
Additional performances are possible. Auditions for "It's a Wonderful
Life" will be on Oct. 14 at 2 p.m. at St. Mary's Church, 505 E
Fourth St. in Delavan. There are parts for as few as five
individuals -- three males and two females -- and as many as 40.
There are parts for children (age 8 and up, please), young adults
and adults. There's a part for anyone who wants to be involved.
If you are unable to come to the auditions but would still like to
be considered, call Jim Sullivan, 244-9022.
Don't want to be on stage, but would like to help in other ways?
Prairieland Theatre Company welcomes you, too. Please stop by the
audition to talk about how you can be involved.
Logan honored as Kiwanian of the Year
The Kiwanis Club of Lincoln installed new officers at a special evening
meeting Tuesday at Lincoln College.
Dinner was prepared by Lincoln College chef Warren Wendlandt, and the LC
Jazz Combo offered musical entertainment along with a comedy bit by a
Joe Haning served as president during the past year, and it is the privilege
of the outgoing president to select the Kiwanian of the Year. Haning chose
Roy Logan.
Haning said that Logan has been a hard worker. He has especially
been there to help the group with food at fundraisers, including an
Italian dinner of spaghetti. Logan added cavatelli this year, ham
and beans, and the chili and oyster dinners.
The club had been meeting at Rusty's when it was learned one
Monday that the business was closed for good. Logan quickly stepped
up and made arrangements for the group to meet at the Rec Center and
even provided the lunch himself with the help of Marcia Greenslate.
Haning said that Logan had provided a couple of meals for the group.
Logan is always willing to help with a lot of things, "and,"
Haning added, "Roy is a very personable kind of guy."
K. Bridgett Schneider, the incoming president, said: "Roy is
always a hard worker. He comes in and does what he needs to do and
likes to do it without the spotlight."
Logan has been a Kiwanis member approximately 10 years.
For 2012-2013, new officers will be
K. Bridget Schneider as president; Alyssa J. Schneider,
president-elect; Tom Comstock, treasurer; and C. Wayne Schrader,
The local chapter is affiliated
with the international organization, whose motto is "Serving the
children of the world."
The name Kiwanis means "we trade"
or "we share our talents."
The Lincoln Kiwanis Club hosts a
number of fundraisers and sponsors service projects throughout the
year. Committee chairmen include Mike Booher, Logan, Schneider,
Marti Sawicki, Bob Sullivan, Tom Zurkammer and Schrader.
According to the chapter brochure:
"When you give a child a chance to learn, experience, dream and
succeed, great things can happen." Emphasis is placed on encouraging
and developing youth leadership, as well as providing for children
in the community.
Haning is the committee chair and
adviser for the Builders Club. Junior high students conduct acts of
service at school or bus tables at Kiwanis events.
Also stated in the Kiwanis mission
is to help shelter the homeless, feed the hungry, mentor the
disadvantaged and care for the sick.
Membership is open to any adult,
male or female. The local chapter has about 40 members, with about
20 in attendance at its meetings each week. The group currently
meets at the St. John United Church of Christ on Seventh Street in
Lincoln, starting at about 11:30 a.m. on Tuesdays. Peggy's Place
caters the lunch.
annual New Holland Fire Dept. Toys for Tots Cruise-In Oct. 13
NEW HOLLAND -- The New Holland Volunteer Firemen will sponsor the
second annual New Holland Fire Department Toys for Tots Cruise-In on
Oct. 13 from 1 to 4 p.m. in downtown New Holland.
The cruise-in is open to all cars, trucks and motorcycles.
Cruisers are asked to bring a new, unwrapped toy.
There will be music, a 50-50 drawing, door prizes and food by the
New Holland Fire Department.
This year, the first 50 cars to register will get a free event
All proceeds will go to Toys for Tots.
College to present 'Our Town'
Lincoln College will present the play "Our Town," by Thornton Wilder. The
play is directed by Martin Holden, assistant professor of theater, with a
cast of 25 Lincoln College students. The show will be presented Oct. 24-27
at 7:30 p.m. and Oct. 28 at 2 p.m. in the Johnston Center for Performing
Arts on the college campus.
Tickets are $7 for general admission, $5 for seniors and students,
and $1 for Lincoln College students with ID. To reserve tickets,
call the box office at 1-800-569-0556, ext. 280.
Action expands utility assistance enrollment
The Community Action Partnership of Central Illinois announced that
beginning Oct. 1, the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program, known as
LIHEAP, is open to homes with children under age 5. This is an expansion of
the current priority enrollment period that includes seniors, residents with
disabilities and households that are disconnected from their primary or
secondary energy source.
To qualify for the 2013 LIHEAP program, individuals must have
incomes of no more than 150 percent of the federal poverty level.
Community Action Partnership administers the LIHEAP program that
provides a one-time benefit toward utilities for eligible households
in DeWitt, Logan, Mason, Menard and Piatt counties.
Interested participants can contact
their local Community Action office to schedule an appointment:
Logan County:
217-732-2159, ext. 226
Menard County:
Mason County:
DeWitt County:
Piatt County: 217-762-2421
All other households that meet the 150 percent federal poverty
guidelines will be eligible for the program beginning Nov. 1 and
continuing to May 31, 2013, or until all LIHEAP funds are depleted.
Community Action Partnership of Central Illinois serves
low-income, disabled and elderly households in six central Illinois
counties: Fulton, Logan, Mason, Menard, DeWitt and Piatt. For more
information, visit
Jaycees present 'Terror by the Tracks' Haunted House
The annual Lincoln Jaycees Haunted House is back again to present
"Terror by the Tracks." The decades-old tradition has more rooms and
bigger scares than ever before. The award-winning maze is also back.
It is known for being the longest and darkest maze around.
The haunted house is again located at 325 S. Chicago St. It is open
every Friday and Saturday in October, starting this weekend. It will
also be open Oct. 29, 30 and 31. Hours of operation are 7-11 p.m.
Fridays and Saturdays, and 7-10 p.m. Oct. 29-31. The admission price
is $7.
Kids’ matinees are every Saturday in October from 6 to 7 p.m.
Lights are on and ghosts will be friendly. Special admission is $3.
For more information about the haunted house, visit
at St. John United Church of Christ Oct. 20
The 13th annual Germanfest will be celebrated at St. John United Church of
Christ in Lincoln on Oct. 20. Authentic German food will be served from 11
a.m. to 3 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall of the church. The Alley Kats band
will furnish music during the serving time, including polka music for
dancing or listening. Brats, red cabbage, sauerkraut, German
potato salad, apple strudel, German chocolate cake or angel food
cake will be served with apple cider, tea or coffee. A hot dog meal
with chips, dessert and drink will also be available.
The church
youth group will offer the same menu at a drive-thru line at the
alley alongside the former ALMH east parking lot.
Tickets are available from church members, by calling the office
and at the Germanfest. Free delivery in town will be available with
orders of six or more prepaid tickets. Tickets for the German meal
are $7.50 and for the hot dog meal $3.50.
Parking for the church is at the corner of Maple and Eighth
Proceeds will benefit mission projects, which have been the
recipients from the beginning. Missions served have been Austin Bahn
Fundraiser, Back Bay Mission, Boy Scout Troup 106, Church World
Service Disaster Relief Fund, Community Action Food Pantry, Habitat
for Humanity of Logan County, Hope from the Rubble (UCC CWS/9-11-01),
Ill. Conference Hurricane Relief Fund, CROP, Mom and Me Camp,
Reinhold Niebuhr Memorial Plaque, Salvation Army, SHARE, St. John
UCC of Chicago (sister church), St. John UCC Youth Veterans Dance
and Teddy Bear Project of ALMH.
Lincoln Christian Church presents 20th Musical Offering for World
This year's Musical Offering for
World Hunger will be on Oct. 14 at 2:30 p.m. in the Lincoln
Christian Church sanctuary. 2012 marks the 20th year for the Musical Offering for World Hunger.
Linda Storm and Tim Searby developed the idea for a "musical
offering" in the early years of Harvest of Talents at Lincoln
Christian Church for musicians to have a way to share their talents
in helping to feed hungry people around the world.
Throughout the
years the musical offering has included music from the masters to
Broadway, and this year is no exception. The concert will include
organ, piano, vocal solos and duets, choir, handbells and the H.O.T.
vocal ensemble.
A freewill offering will be taken, and all proceeds will be given
to Harvest of Talents to feed hungry and hurting people all over the
Participants this year are Linda Storm, Tim Searby, Gail King,
Kay Dobson, Laurin Hill, Dinelle Frankland, Darrin Akin, Paula
Landess, Deb Parker, LaVerne Tesh, Paula Knopp, Donnie Parker, Bev
Kurka, Jennifer Ramsey, Barry King, Bob Kurka, Cheryl Baker, Rich
Knopp, Mike Vernon, Lorna Searby, Randy Storm, Brenda Maddox, Julie
King, Brandon Davis, Lincoln Christian Church Sanctuary Choir, John
Stein, Zach Ramsey, Lincoln Christian Church Bell Choir and Jeremy
Immediately following the concert, the ministry team for Harvest
of Talents for World Hunger will host a punch and homemade cookie
reception in celebration of the 20th anniversary. Everyone attending
the concert is invited to attend the reception, offering them an
opportunity to express their appreciation to the musicians.
Harvest of Talents is celebrating 29 years of ministry, and the
musicians involved in the musical offering are delighted to share
their talents in support of this vital ministry.
student could win $5,000 in college money
Commanders of Veterans of
Foreign Wars posts across Illinois have announced the kickoff of this year's
VFW and Ladies Auxiliary "Patriot's Pen" essay competition.
Middle school students in grades six
to eight in this area have the opportunity to compete in the annual competition and win thousands of dollars.
Students are invited to write a 300-
to 400-word essay on a patriotic theme. The theme for 2012-2013,
which is the 18th year of the contest, is: "What I Would Tell
America's Founding Fathers."
Students begin by competing at the
local post level. Post winners advance to district, and district
winners participate in the state competition. The state winners
compete for $46,000 in awards, and first place wins $5,000.
Each year, around 126,000 students
participate nationwide.
Deadline for student entries is
Nov. 1. Interested students and teachers should contact their local
VFW post for more information.
For details, visit
high school student could win trip to Washington, DC, and $30,000
Commanders of Veterans of Foreign Wars posts across Illinois have
announced the kickoff of the 66th year of the VFW and Ladies
Auxiliary Voice of Democracy Scholarship competition. Local high
school students have the opportunity to compete for thousands of
dollars in scholarships and a trip to Washington, D.C.
The Voice of Democracy Scholarship contest is an annual
nationwide audio essay competition designed to give ninth- to
12th-grade high school students, ages 15-19, an opportunity to voice
their opinion on their responsibility to our country. Home-schooled
students are also invited to participate.
Students must write and record a three- to five-minute essay on
this theme for 2012-2013: "Is Our Constitution Still Relevant?" The
recording is to be on an audio cassette tape or audio CD. Students
competing enter their recording, typed essay and entry form at their
local VFW post. The deadline is Nov. 1.
Post winners advance to district judging, and then the
first-place district winners advance to the state competition in
Springfield. All state winners receive a four-day trip to
Washington, D.C.
A total of $152,000 is awarded to national finalists. First place
is a $30,000 scholarship paid directly to the recipient’s American
university, college or vocational-technical school.
Annually the VFW provides more than $2.3 million in scholarships.
Around 50,000 students participate in the competition each year.
The Voice of Democracy contest was started by the National
Association of Broadcasters in the late 1940s, and the VFW became
involved in the late 1950s. The VFW took over primary sponsorship in
1961, when the broadcasters could no longer sponsor the program
nationally. Then in 1964, the VFW Ladies Auxiliary joined in
sponsorship of the program.
Because of the active program promotion and participation, the
national scholarship funds have steadily increased from four
national winners in 1962, with total scholarships of $3,750, to the
current level of 63 national scholarships totaling $152,000.
For more information about the Voice of Democracy competition,
contact the Veterans of Foreign Wars post in your area. If you are
unsure of the post in your area, contact Illinois VFW headquarters
in Springfield at 217-529-6688.
For more information, visit