Fulk Estate Auction
Sunday October 28, 2012
12 Noon
1120 1050th St, Lincoln, IL 62656
DIRECTIONS: Travel south of Lincoln on
Prim road 4 miles. At the top of the S curve turn right onto 1100th
Street follow this road for 1 ½ miles as it will wind around and cross
Salt Creek. After crossing the creek turn Right and travel 1 mile (west)
on 1050th Street. The house will be up a long lane on the north side of
the road.
kerosene lamps including Aladdin New Type model B on parlor stand; lg. 3
pc. cast iron flower pot; 1907 Wilkerson bayonet; several boxes of
costume jewelry; several egg baskets; Underwood typewriter; cigarette
lighters; Francini accordion; Featherweight Singer sewing machine; flat
irons; several crock jars and crock mixing bowls; portable ice chest;
doll chest; bottle cappers; Emerson table top fan; lg. butchering kettle
w/stand; lard press;
illustrated comic books including: Call of the Wild, Jungle Book, White
Fang, Tarzan; Magnetic crane; partial Hafner wind up train set; several
other tin toys; model cars in box;
STAMP COLLECTION: Several albums of
domestic & foreign stamps;
POCKET WATCHES: Waltham gold case
pocket watch; (2) Elgin watches; Hamilton watch;
FIREARMS: Winchester #37 single shot
shotgun; Hem Hitro 12 ga shotgun; J Stevens 520 12 ga pump; Harrington
Richardson 32 cal revolver; Colt “Woodsman” 22 cal pistol w/leather
case; Remington Mod 24 22 cal rifle; Iver Johnson single shot 410
FURNITURE: Estey pump organ; nice
oak plant stand; metal beds; drop lid oak desk; Singer treadle sewing
machine; Majestic #7 upright radio; several unique rockers; several
dressers; several unmatched dresser mirrors;
LAWN MOWERS: Bachtold mower w/recent
Briggs engine; Yard Machine 21 hp w/46” deck; Simplicity Sovereign
mower, 48” deck & twin cylinder Kohler engine; Cub Cadet 122 (yellow)
lawn tractor;
upright air compressor; Homelite 3500 watt generator; post vise; hand
tools; oxygen torch set;
MISCELLANEOUS: potato plow; JD 3
bottom pull type plow; lawn & garden tools; iron piles; misc. metal
roofing; 2 wheel pull type cart;
Raymond Fulk Estate
Donald Behle, Executor (217) 735-5000
Mike Maske Auction Service
119 S. Lafayette St
Mt. Pulaski, IL 62548
Illinois Auction License 044.0000157
TERMS: Cash or good
negotiable check payable on the day of the Auction. Registration video
taped and a valid photo ID is required to obtain a buyers number. Buyers
must show provided number for each and every purchase. Announcements
sale day take precedence over printed material. To purchase firearms
buyers must have a valid FOID card and the waiting period will be
observed. Not responsible for accidents or property after sold. All
items must be removed from the sale site on the day of the Auction.
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Public Auction of 5 Room - 3 Bedroom Home
Situated On A Corner Lot
Plus A 32' x 30' Detached Heated Garage
Sunday October 28, 2012
Located at 305 West Adams St. Greenview,Il.
home consists of a lg. eat in kitchen, living room, 3 bedrooms, plus
bath, kitchen has built in wood cabinets, built in wall oven, counter
top stove, storage attic, like new 80% efficiency natural gas force air
furnace; like new 40 gal. nat. gas hot water heater; Also with a 32 ft.
x 30 ft. detached tile block garage with 9 ft. sliding door and 8 ½ ft.
wide overhead door with electric opener and a walk in door. Garage is
heated by a nat. gas force air furnace. Majority of the yard is bordered
by a chain link fence. The aerobic residential septic system is shared
with the neighbor to the west. Easement Agreement was prepared on Nov.
19th. 1997. Those who wish to read the agreement contact the
Auctioneer. Real Estate Taxes :$536.82
The successful buyer will sign a written contract after the auction and
at that time a deposit for the amount of $3,000.00 (Non-Refundable) will
be required. Balance will be due at the closing within approximately 30
days from the auction date.
Closing will be held at the Menard Co.Abstract Co. in
Petersburg, Il. Seller will guarantee the buyer a good merchantable
Real Estate will sell with
the sellers approval.
Property is being sold As-Is condition.
All inspections must be made prior to the auction and if any financing
is required by the potential buyer, they must be pre-approved prior to
the auction.
Like New Toro snow blower with electric start: 2000 psi gas powered
pressure washer; Yard man 22 in. cut self-propelled lawn mower; Yard
machine 2 cycle 31 cc garden cultivator; Homelite chain saw; Craftsman 5
hp-20 gal upright air compressor; Craftsman drill press, bench type; B&D
rechargeable grass trimmer; Skil reciprocating saw; Craftsman 4 in. belt
sander w/ 6in disc sander; some air tools; Werner 7 ft. fiberglass step
ladder; 10 ft. alum. ext. ladder; Craftsman router; Stanley finish nail
Mans 18 sp. Lynx bike; Homemade tractor mail box, John
Deere; Ace lopping shears; handyman jack; copper boiler; sm. tool chest;
rechargeable drill;
Pine 3 glass door top step back wooden cabinet, 6ft.8in. tall x 5
ft.3in. wide,with 3 doors below; originated from the Greenview Depot;
antique Mahogany 5 pc. bedroom set; fullsize mattress and box springs w/
oak headboard; Kenmore 18 cu. ft. refrigerator; Bissell upright sweeper;
childs sled; 20 musical Santas; lg. fish aquarium; humidifier; Native
American décor;
PH. OFFICE: (217) 968-7075
CELL: (217) 341-8406
I.A.L. #4400000590
Note: This will make
someone a nice affordable home with a good corner lot and an extra lg.
garage with a potential shop area.
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White Auction House
501 S. Kickapoo St. Lincoln, IL 62656
Sunday, October 28, 2012
1:00 p.m.
Caned wheel chair; medicine bottles; Sessions mantle
clock; galvanized corn basket; wooden pulleys; treadle sewing machine
base; butter churn; wooden barrels/lg & sm; 1/3/6 gallon crocks; crock
jug; milk cans; milk bottles; 2 man cross cut saws; barn hay pulleys;
blacksmith forge; hand corn sheller; iron skillet; harness maker; cow
bells; wooden water jug; cardboard antique Christmas village; Santas &
angels; Cherished Teddies; Precious Moments; school bell; grinders; pink
depression glass; wrenches; ice skates; meat hooks; iron pulleys; hand
corn planter; shucking pegs; coffee grinder; baby shoes; Coke tray;
ceramic Christmas village; Homer Laughlin china; Holmes & Edwards
silverplate-setting for 12; Kraulheim Bavarian china; holiday
sleigh bed w/dresser/mirror/night stand; floor lamps; parlor table;
stools/ side chairs; fern stands; end tables; buffet w/distressed
finish; glass top end/coffee tables; mahogany desk/chair; drop leaf
table w/4 caned chairs; rec. dining table w/1 leaf/3 chairs; recliner; 4
dr. file cabinets; entertainment center.
dishes & serving pieces; records; Tupperware; size 6 ½ leather riding
boots; JVC stereo components; Lasko heater; rugs; lamps; misc.
glassware, dishes, pots & pans.
30-55,000 BTU Reddi space heater; Campbell Hausfeld 1750 psi power
washer; 2 sets patio tables/4 chairs; ladders; bicycles; shop vacs;
edgers; circular saws; jig saws; grill; gas cans; B&D weed eater; elect.
leaf blowers; propane tanks; car jacks; Coleman propane camp stove;
Coleman portable picnic table; Paint N Roll; shovels; scoops; pulleys;
horse collars; Craftsman chain saw in case; post hole digger; steel oil
barrels; steel oil tank w/pump; elect. tree trimmer; reel lawn mower;
de-horners; fishing poles; pipe vice; hay rope;
There are many more items than are listed here.
Lunch will be served.
Viewing Friday-Oct. 26th from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm.
Terms: Cash on the
day of the sale or check with a valid picture ID.
Not responsible for accidents or for
items after they are sold.
Announcements on the day of the sale t
ake precedence over printed material.
White Auction Service
Auctioneers: Col. Dan White & Gary Morris
Il. License Numbers: 440000381 & 441000185
501 S. Kickapoo St., Lincoln, IL 62656
Phone: 217-732-4718 or Cell: 217-737-8984
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Ebbersten Family
Antique & Collectible Auction
200 Kerosene
Saturday November 03, 2012
Logan County Fairgrounds,
Lincoln IL
The Ebbersten Family has
decided to sell another portion of their Large Antique Collection.
All of the below items will be sold
approximately (6) hanging retractable lamps w/painted
shades; (5) parlor lamps; (80) miniature kerosene lamps; (50) single
burner lamps various Mfg’s & types; (40) kerosene lamps new in the 70’s;
(2) Miller parlor lamps w/painted shades; Bohners cast hanging lamp Pat.
Aug 1873; three burner lamp; English railroad lamp flame safety lamp;
Adlake signal lamp; Stonebridge folding lantern pat. 1906; Crescent Lamp
Vauzall-London; frosted siesta lamp; Drape lamp w/Aladdin B burner; (3)
floor standing lamp stands; hanging brass lamps;
KEROSENE LAMP RELATED: lots of chimneys; boxes of lamp
parts; wicks; new lamp prisms (new in box tear drops); Fenton lamp
fonts; Fenton lamp shades; etched thistle pattern shade; barn lantern
globes; painted & stained glass lamp shades; mail car railroad candles;
double cast iron lamp bracket; lg. copper lamp shade;
COLLECTIBLES: (3) Elkhart hill plates (3) ECHS plates;
lots of local advertising plates; wood & glass butter molds; stackable
cardboard toy boxes; cow bells; transistor radios; printers blocks;
brass water meter caps; indoor croquet set; Vintage Halloween masks &
costumes; electric Christmas candles; carbide lights; (2) copper
chaffing dishes; Motorola portable radio; horse collar mirror; wine
press; wash board; Coke Cold cooler; sm. wall sink; sugar bucket;
sliding door radio cabinet; Lionel Construction kit; galvanized Milk
box; (25) Hardy Boys books; 5 gal aquarium w/stand; Singer sewing
machine; Yard long animal pictures; (3) lead glass 7” x 36” windows; 27
¾”x23” Etched windmill window glass; (8) wood hat forms; Cornland Grade
school plaques; Cigar case Allens cigar store Spfld, IL; piano rolls;
hymnal racks; lg hat box w/matching sewing box; Art Deco lamp; 1850’s
prayer book; Poosh-M-Up pin ball board; Automobile manuals; Rand McNally
Atlas 1895 & 1908; & books; Elkhart Lumber Sign “Everything to build
anything”; Wine Dip drink one gallon jar; Horlik malted milk jar; milk
bottles; Reisch beer bottle; (2) nice sm. Stained glass windows; Johnny
Express semi set; metal glider; metal lawn chairs; Maytag washing
machine; yard signs; Worlds Fair cane; wood doors; wicker baby buggy;
(2) sm wine kegs; copper & brass kettles; (2) hand made quilts; wall
phone; wash boards; coffee grinders; Ingram & Waterbury mantle clocks;
METAL & CAST IRON- lg. cast butchering kettle; rake
racks; ice tongs; balance scale; Seed Burro scale; #10 Wagner skillet;
cast pot w/lid; (8) misc. skillets; Dazey sq. butter churn; Rock Island
Arsenal juicer; Field & Schorb gauge; (2) pr., lg., plated brass hinges;
Stanley #78 wood plane; flat irons; egg basket; Star, P J Sorg & Erie
Griswald Oct 1883 Tobacco cutters; Copper & brass apple butter kettle;
fern stand; metal toys; (2) cast iron miniature stoves; calf weaner;
COLLECTIONS-local advertising; pocket knives; lighters;
pencils; comic books; sheet music (some from1896); McDonalds; belt
buckles; watch fobs; ink wells; 50+/- shot glasses;
POTTERY: spungeware pitcher; sm. McCoy mixing bowl;
Mexican pottery; (2) Hall covered casserole dishes;
CHINA: Homer Laughlin gravy boat; Royal China berry
bowls; Occupied Japan figurines; 5 pc. Stetson pine cone china; Illinois
China Lincoln pitchers;
GLASSWARE: (8) Fire King bowls; Fenton ruffled edge candy
dish; amber glass; tobacco humidor; Fenton shoes; toothpick holders; hen
& cows on nest; alter vases;
ADVERTISING: Post cereal creamer & ash tray; Deaconess
hosp. Lincoln tea pot; cigar boxes; Honey dip twist; Darp Work tobacco
box; yard sticks; advertising tins; Leisy Brewing Co. Peoria, IL;
automobile literature; Canada Dry cases; rd. Coke Cold ice chest;
Cartoon glasses-Smurfs, Chipmunks, Muppets, Star Wars, Flintstones;
coffee, tobacco, cigar, cigarette tins; McDonalds advertising; Local
advertising-Mt. Pulaski, Elkhart, Cornland, Williamsville, Lincoln,
Political, Illinois State Fair, Worlds Fair
TOYS: Marx bike motor; plastic army men; toy film strip
projector; Power Mite power tools; Coke & Pepsi can collections & trays;
Oliver baler & hay rake; Wyandotte scraper truck & semi w/trailer;
Jubilee w/2 bottom plow; JD trip bucket loader; JD manure spreader;
Oliver 77 tractor; Hawthorn MW 3 spd bike; Misc Lionel “O” gauge track;
cast iron toys mfg. in the “60’s”; miniature tools, anvils & flat irons;
Fisher Price & Playschool;
CROCKS: 20 gal Western crock; 10 gal Buckeye crock; 3 gal
blue & white jug; 4 gal. butter churn; crock lids;
FURNITURE: oak & wicker wheel chair; Youth rocker;
freestanding oak pencil case; Cornland Grade School desk; Copeland
Christian church bench; wicker top sewing stand; modern wall clock;
spool cabinet desk; walnut desk; unique metal card table;
Charlene Bedolli (217) 947-2960
Darrell Ebbersten (217)
Mike Maske Auction Service
119 S. Lafayette St., Mt. Pulaski, IL 62548
Illinois Auction License 440.0000157
TERMS: Cash or good negotiable check payable on the day
of the Auction. Registration video taped and a valid photo ID is
required to obtain a buyers number. Buyers must show provided number for
each and every purchase.
sale day take precedence over printed material.
responsible for accidents or property after sold.
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