Building and Grounds Committee
Logan County Safety Complex
March 5, 2013
Present: Kevin Bateman; Bob
Farmer; Andy Meister; Chuck Ruben; Jan Schumacher
Absent: Terry Carlton
Guests: Dennis Reves; Michael Hedrick; Vicki Dugan; Eugene
Mr. Bateman called the meeting to
order at 7:00 pm.
A motion was made by Mrs.
Schumacher, seconded by Mr. Farmer, to approve the minutes from the
February 5, 2013 meeting. Motion passed.

Old Business:
1) Courthouse phone system: This item
will be held until the April meeting.
2) Sidewalk repairs: Repairs are
pending once it is warm enough. Mr. Whiteman believes it will begin
in March, as long as the temperature is warm enough.
3) Landscaping for courthouse grounds:
Mrs. Schumacher reported the downtown steering committee will make
their presentation on March 27th. Mr. Reves indicated he would
attempt to remove the stumps once other projects at the Courthouse
are completed.
4) Veteran names in Courthouse: Mr.
Bateman will attempt to obtain more information from Pat O'Neill so
more discussion can take place next month.
5) Retro-commissioning for Safety
Complex: Mrs. Schumacher reported the Safety Complex does not
qualify for the retro-commissioning project, but has been
recommended for an energy audit with SEDAC. She believes this would
have no cost to the County. The committee agreed she should move
forward on this project.
New Business:
1) Mowing bids: Four bids were
received. B&B Bamboo presented a bid of $1600.00 per month. Eugene
Mehan provided a bid of $1088.75 per month. Flipper's Lawn
Management presented a bid of $900.00 per month. M&D Lawn Mowing
provided a bid of $820.00 per month. Because the lowest bidder did
not provide responses to required questions about action being taken
against them, Mrs. Schumacher recommended rejecting that bid. A
motion was made by Mrs. Schumacher, seconded by Mr. Ruben, to
accept the bid from Flipper's Lawn Management in the amount of
$900.00 monthly. Motion passed.
2) Viscon bills: Two bills were paid
out of utilities and the Finance Committee referred them to Building
and Grounds, as they were for work on the servers and not truly
utility costs. The committee needs to determine what line item they
should be paid from. The expense will be moved to 101-21-53083. Mrs.
Dugan will handle transferring that expense.

[to top of second column] |

3) Furniture in Treasurer's Office:
Mrs. Dugan provided information received from Midwest Office for
replacement furniture for her office. She went to the state surplus
site and was unable to find anything usable there. The total quote
would be $4,362.00. She indicated she has extra funding in her
office supplies line item and could pay for most of the expense
using those funds. Mr. Ruben indicated nothing has been updated in
the past ten years in the Treasurer's Office and it is necessary. He
appreciated her efforts to identify funding, but recommended the
Board be agreeable to provide future funding for her office if
needed. She expressed concerns about paint chipping off the
radiators and pipes in her office and wondered if they could be
repainted. Mr. Reves is going to look into available options.
Area Music Society – Latham Park – June 16th through July 7th, 2013:
A motion was made by Mr. Ruben, seconded by Mrs.
Schumacher, to approve this request. Motion passed.

Report from Dennis Reves: Mr. Reves
discussed recent alarm troubles. Simplex replaced the malfunctioning
heat detector. They will also be returning to repair the second
floor alarms that are not working properly. When that is complete,
the final report will be provided to the fire inspector. There is
one more office in the State's Attorney's office that will have the
carpet replaced this weekend. He reported he went ahead and painted
the rooms as they were cleared out for the new carpet. Exit lights
with battery back-up have been installed in all of the courtrooms
and on the third floor to provide lighting to the stairwells. Phil
Wright will be traveling through the area in a couple of weeks and
will stop by to look at the bell at that time.
Budget Review: Mr. Ruben pointed
out the County Board per diem is lower than budgeted. No concerns.
A motion was made by Mrs.
Schumacher, seconded by Mr. Farmer, to approve the bills. Motion
A motion was made by Mr.
Meister, seconded by Mr. Farmer, to adjourn the meeting. Motion
passed. Meeting ended at 8:03 pm.
[Text copied from
minutes] |