Planning & Zoning Meeting
Logan County Safety Complex
March 6, 2013
Present: David Hepler; Pat
O'Neill; Kevin Bateman; Bob Farmer; Bill Martin; Jan Schumacher
Guests: Will D'Andrea; Gene Rohlfs; Juanita O'Neill
Mr. Hepler called the meeting to
order at 6:30 pm.
A motion was made by Mr.
Bateman, seconded by Mr. Martin, to approve the minutes from the
February 6, 2013 meeting as printed. Motion passed.

Old Business:
1) Conditional use zoning: This is
being left on the agenda until the end of the appeal timeframe has
passed for the Muck re-zone.
2) Wind farm(s) status: Mr.
D'Andrea reported there is nothing new on the Sugar Creek wind farm.
The tax extension requires construction to begin in 2013 to qualify
for the credit. The Mt. Pulaski project is hoping to get approvals
for June or July.
3) Orvil township building: Mr.
D'Andrea has not received any further information on the request
that was previously declined by the Board.
New Business:
1) None
[to top of second column] |

Zoning Officer's Report: Mr. D'Andrea reported he recently made a presentation to the Economic
Development Partnership board regarding the timeline changes to the
enterprise zone application process. He shared the new process with
the committee. There is a point system established in order to rank
for enterprise zone funding application. Mr. D'Andrea recommended
applying in 2014 since our current zone expires in 2017. That would
give Logan County two opportunities to have a high enough score to
qualify for approval. He and Mr. Ruben also attended a recent
seminar regarding hydraulic fracking. It does not appear Logan
County will need to take any action, as this on the very northern
border of any reserves that may be present. He shared information he
learned about how large the oil reserves are expected to be.
Environmentalists are concerned about the potential impact to wells
and water supplies, as well as contamination concerns. Nothing
further to report.
Public comments: None
Communications: None
A motion was made by Mr.
Martin, seconded by Mr. O'Neill, to approve the bills. Motion
A motion was made by Mr.
O'Neill, seconded by Mr. Bateman, to adjourn the meeting. Motion
passed. Meeting ended at 7:03 pm.
[Text copied from
meeting minutes]