Safety Committee Meeting
Logan County Courthouse
March 12, 2013
Present: Jan Schumacher;
Gene Rohlfs; Pat O’Neill; Bob Farmer; Dennis Reves; Dan Fulscher;
Alana Sorrentino; Shana Altman; Bret Aukamp; Vicki Dugan; Mary
Absent: Steve Nichols; Mike Harberts; Julie Parker
Guests: Pamela Meagher
Mrs. Schumacher called the meeting
to order at 10:00 am.
A motion was made by Mr.
Rohlfs, seconded by Mr. Fulscher, to approve the minutes from the
February 19, 2013 meeting as printed. Motion passed.
Old Business:
1) Fire inspections: Mr. Reves
reported the exit lights, as well as the backup lights, have been
installed in all the courtrooms. Simplex will be coming to repair
the second floor alarm which isn’t functioning properly. They will
also replace a detector in the basement that malfunctioned. This
should resolve all of the city fire inspector’s concerns.

2) Safety manual: The committee
discussed the revised draft of the proposed manual. The committee
agreed to minor language and formatting changes recommended by Mrs.
Schumacher. The committee discussed, at length, what type of
injuries should be reported. It was agreed that even a seemingly
minor incident could turn into later treatment so every injury
should be reported for our files. Mrs. Meagher said this is critical
in order to establish details of the incident for potential later
investigation. It was determined the guidelines should be clear that
an employee has a duty to report any accident or injury within two
working days and the supervisor has the obligation to complete and
submit the report to the Insurance Administrator. The committee also
discussed the County’s ban on the "use or possession of intoxicating
beverages or narcotics." Mrs. Schumacher questioned whether the
language is correct. The committee agreed to change this section to
read "The use or possession of intoxicating beverages or illegal
drugs is prohibited." Mr. Fulscher recommended revising the weather
emergency guidelines to read "All employees and the general public
will be advised to remain in the Courthouse during a weather
emergency." Mrs. Altman discussed updating the emergency phone tree.
The document that is currently used does not list the Health
Department or EMA contacts. They will be added. Mrs. Meagher asked
that phone numbers not be included in the addendum to the Safety
Manual to alleviate privacy concerns. This document will be revised
and brought forward to the full Board in April. A motion
was made by Mrs. Altman, seconded by Mr. Fulscher to approve the
safety manual with the revisions discussed in today’s meeting.
Motion passed.
[to top of second column] |

3) Safety grant: This was not
discussed at this time.
4) Training: Mr. Fulscher provided a
draft training summary to committee members for review and a
possible schedule was discussed. After employee training is
complete, severe weather and fire drills will be conducted. The
guidelines should be approved by the Board in April, so it would be
appropriate to tentatively schedule the training sessions at this
time. The committee discussed planning for May 13th at the
Courthouse for two sessions, May 16th at the Safety Complex for two
sessions, and May 17th at the Highway Department. Employees can
choose to attend any session. Sheriff, jail and Health Department
employees are exempt since they already have their own guidelines.
The video recording will be done during a session at the Safety
Complex to be used for future new hires or employees who miss all of
the training sessions.
5) Active shooter training: The
Sheriff will be consulted on whether this will be shared with all
6) Concealed carry: No action was
taken at this time.
New Business:
1) None
The next meeting will be held on
Tuesday, April 16th at 10:00 a.m.
A motion was made by Mr.
Aukamp, seconded by Mrs. Dugan, to adjourn the meeting. Motion
passed. Meeting ended at 11:58 am.
[Text copied from
meeting minutes]