"I have been diagnosed with an aggressive and incurable cancer
that in all likelihood will someday take my life," said Jessica
Bauer, a 27-year-old Rockford resident with Stage 4 pancreatic
cancer. "I would like to live out the rest of my days with
dignity and enjoy what time I have left with my 5-year-old
"Medical marijuana allows me to do that," she said. "I
shouldn't have to live in fear of arrest for using it or have to
resort to the illicit market to obtain it."
House Bill 1, sponsored by Rep. Lou Lang, D-Skokie, would
allow Illinois residents with certain medical conditions to
possess up to 2.5 ounces of marijuana, which they would be able
to access from one of up to 60 dispensing centers regulated by
the Illinois Department of Licensing and Professional
Regulation. Marijuana would be grown by up to 22 cultivation
centers, one per state police district, regulated by the
Illinois Department of Agriculture.
Eighteen states allow patients with qualifying conditions to
use medical marijuana with recommendations from their
physicians. Similar legislation has been introduced in 14
additional states this year, and it is anticipated in three
additional states.
"There is a scientific consensus that marijuana is a safe and
effective treatment for nausea, pain, loss of appetite and other
symptoms of debilitating illnesses," said Dan Riffle, deputy
director of government relations for the Marijuana Policy
Project. "It should be up to medical professionals, not law
enforcement professionals, to decide whether medical marijuana
is the right treatment for their patients."
[Text from file
received from the
Marijuana Policy Project]