Stop by Open Arms Christian Fellowship THIS Saturday 11
AM - 2 PM for FREE Adult Spring & Summer Clothes. The
church is located at 311 Broadway here in Lincoln.
For more information check out the website
www.oacflincoln.com or call the church office at
The Kids Choirs:
Cherub Choir, Children of Praise and Master's Praise will be
presenting Creation Sensation, How the world really
began...according to God. Monday, April 29 at 6:30 p.m.,
Lincoln Christian Church Fellowship Center, 204 N. McLean

The United Methodist
Women of the San Jose Methodist Church, 600 S. 1st St. is having
their annual May Breakfast on Wednesday, May 1, 2013.
A breakfast of French toast, fresh fruit and coffee or tea will be
served in the Fellowship Hall of the church at 9:00am. An
offering will be taken for the Cunningham Children’s Home, a
ministry supported by United Methodist Women.
Come and be blessed by The Message in Music by Laurel Jean. Blind
since birth, this Christian Recording artist, pianist, vocalist and
inspirational speaker travels extensively delivering His message
through her music for God’s kids of all ages. She began her career
in Music and Ministry at the age of 14, producing her first album
while still a teenager. Her music takes on several different styles,
such as gospel, comedy, blues, jazz, and country and includes many
of her own original compositions. She has 12 CD’s to her credit, and
has been featured internationally on the Total Christian Television
Network. To learn more about Laurel Jean, her music and ministry,
visit www.laureljean.com .
San Jose is located on US 136; two miles East of Rte. 29 and about
eight miles West of Interstate 155. Please make reservations with
the church office (309-247-3232) or Lucy Albers (309-247-3450) by
Saturday, April 27 to help in planning.

Life Pointe
Church of God will be hosting a Quarter Auction
Tuesday, April 30th at 6:30 p.m. at 601 Pulaski St., the
former Courier building in downtown Lincoln. Doors open at
5:30. Some of the vendors that will present are: Lemongrass
Spa, 31, Babyations, Willow House, Pink Zebra, Paparazzi.
Others vendors at the quarter auction include Faith to
Believe Jewelry, Tupperware, It Works, Cloth Penguin and
many more. All proceeds from this auction will be donated to
the Church of God Smokey Mountain Children's Home. Call
Terri for more information at 737-0739.
St. John
United Church of Christ in Lincoln will celebrate their
annual Music Festival Sunday on May 19 during
their 10:30 worship service.
Pastor Jan Johnson will lead this service with a special
liturgy using hymns that she and Silas Tockey have written.
They will be joined by the organist, Laura Lee and choir
directors, David Helm, Darlene Begolka and Donna Kessinger
with the Angel Choir, Chancel Choir, Adult Chime and
Handbell choirs, Little Bells and Music Makers Chime Choir.
The public is invited to worship and experience worship in
the international language of music.
St. John United Church of Christ is located at the corner of
7th and Maple Streets in Lincoln.
Any questions call Pastor Jan Johnson at church 732-6957
It is with mixed emotions that we announce the
retirement of Mrs. Wright, our preschool director. We
rejoice with her in this new adventure in her life, and
thank her for her faithful service to children and families
at Lincoln Christian. Her passion for teaching children in
their early childhood years has been a blessing to many,
many families. She will be missed by all. Our
congratulations and best wishes to her!
We are currently working on the 2013-2014 school year. Call
the church office for registration information, 732-7618.
Lincoln Christian Church
VBS 2013 - June 23-27
Mark your calendar now! Plans for “God’s
Backyard Bible Camp Under the Stars” are
underway and we are excited! Each evening at VBS
we will hear Bible stories that take place at
night! It’s sure to be the best adventure of the
summer! For more information call 732-7618