Scenes from the Hartsburg-Emden 2013 Prom

Album 1

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[April 29, 2013]     Send a link to a friend

HARTSBURG -- Saturday evening the juniors and seniors of Hartsburg-Emden High School, along with family, friends and guests, celebrated their annual prom with a pre-prom march in the gymnasium.

The bleachers filled with parents and other family members anxious to see their kids dressed in beautiful formal wear. As the young men and women filled the floor of the gym, the bleachers soon emptied as everyone went to search out their special couples for pictures and, of course, hugs and kisses before their big night.

For young people, the prom is a coming-of-age-type ritual. For parents, it signifies a departure from childhood. While your kids will always be your kids, there comes a time when mom and dad have to let go and admit, the kids are no longer children.

Pictures by Jan Youngquist




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