I have heard of long term
church secretaries through the years but never
anything that came close to what Vera Thomas has
accomplished. After 42 years of service to one
church and with six different pastors, she has
decided it is time to pass the button and title of
church secretary onto another. She will be retiring
at the end of May.
Vera has done an incredible job for our congregation
with exceptional compassion, unmatched
professionalism, and deep relational loyalty. She
has served the church through some of our greatest
challenges and helped us through countless
Working with Vera has been nothing but a joy. I
trust her judgment. I respect her confidentiality. I
appreciate her competence. I have witnessed over and
over again her heart for our ministry and her
commitment to the worldwide mission of our church. I
have watched her juggle a hundred different task all
the while maintaining the smooth running of our
offices. She has dealt smoothly with hundreds of
interruptions, met every deadline, and all the while
maintained her integrity. We trust her with every
aspect of our church from personal information to
cash to signing the checks. And I have marveled at
her ability to remember the life details of our
people. Vera was made by God to be a church
secretary. And we were blessed to be the church she
So often it’s the person on the phone or at the door
with the first contact that makes the greatest
impact on people’s impression of our church. Vera
has been a perfect example of how to accomplish that

have had the great pleasure of working with Vera for nearly seven
years. I credit her with making my transition to Lincoln easier. I
couldn’t have got started without Vera and I am relieved that she
will still be an active church member and accessible for questions
for her replacement.
From my heart Vera, thank you for everything you have done to
protect me, inform me, warn me, comfort me, counsel me, respect me,
and love me with the love of Christ. I will forever be grateful.
Ron Otto, Lincoln Christian Church |