(Copy of questionnaire responses)
How Many Employees: 1 secretary and 9 agents
Website(s): www.merealty.com
How long have you been a Chamber member?
Seth has been with the Chamber 3 years
I joined the Chamber because…
To help support the Chamber and become more involved in the community, meet
new people coming to the area.
Why did you decide to invest in Logan County?
Born and raised in Lincoln, love the small town feel, love helping friends and
family, buy and sell (All clients become our family)

What products and services do you offer to Logan County?
Real Estate
What does the future of your business look like?
Will only continue to grow! People will always be moving!
Five "Did you know?" Facts about ME Realty:
1. 30 Years serving the Lincoln/Logan County Area
2. Since opening, have been the top producing office year after year.
[to top of second column]

3. 2010, 2011, 2012 Winner – Lincoln Couriers Best Real Estate office as well as
Best Realtor – Seth Goodman
4. Same location for 30 years
5. Our managing broker, Diane Schriber has been in Real Estate for 27 years
Contact person:
Seth Goodman, 217-735-5424
[Text copied from file received from
the Lincoln/Logan County
Chamber of Commerce]