Calendar  |  Abraham Lincoln Tourism Bureau of Logan County

For Seth Goodman, it's a Done Deal!

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[August 22, 2013]  Seth Goodman of Lincoln will be piloting a new balloon this year, named Done Deal.

As a well-known real estate agent in Logan County, Goodman said he named his balloon Done Deal because it relates directly to his line of work, as he loves being able to say "done deal" when he puts a family in a new home.

Done Deal was manufactured in December of 2012 according to Goodman's specifications. He said the new balloon is basically the same size as his old one, Movin' Up.

Movin' Up, he said, was purchased when he began flying three years ago. It was a used balloon, and it was always his goal to keep Movin Up while he was in training and then buy a new one when he received his private pilot's license, which he accomplished last year.

Goodman will participate in the launches and glows, as well as the Saturday morning fly-in. During the fly-in, pilots will toss a beanbag from the sky to a target on the ground at the Logan County Airport. Each year it is interesting to watch the pilots as they fly over and attempt to hit the target.

Asked if he had a strategy for hitting the target, Goodman said, "Just hope winds take me where I need to go!"

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Goodman said he loves the festival and looks forward to it each year.

"It showcases what my community is capable of and truly shows what Logan County stands for," Goodman said. "I love seeing the smiling faces as I fly overhead and being asked questions regarding the sport of hot air ballooning."

When asked why he flies, Goodman answered: "The thrill, and also to see the world from another angle. It's just another way to make the world smile, one person at a time!"

Currently the local balloon festival is the only one Goodman participates in, but he says that he hopes to change that in the near future, as he and Done Deal will look for other places to go, with the hopes of being a part of bringing more smiling faces to the world below.


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