Garage Sales
Garage Sale
225 Regent Drive
Friday 3-6pm
Saturday 7am-1pm
Men's and women's clothing, baby clothing,
household items,
coffee table, stroller, all-weather
bedliner, and much more!!
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Large Moving Sale
Sat. Aug. 24th 8-4
Sun. Aug. 25th
1204 36665 E Cr 1000 N Mason
(2nd house on right,
east of nursing home)
No early sale! All sales final! Watch for signs
Salt and pepper shaker, elephant, angle and porcelain doll
collection. Boat-1979 Imperial Aztec w/cubby 26 ft with 28ft
trailer, needs motor Entertainment center, Kitchen, household,
restaurant items and lots of miscellaneous. Everything must go!!
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800 S. Postville Dr.
Fri. Aug 23 and Sat.
Aug. 24
8 a.m. to 2
Household items, Books, Toys,
Videos, Baby Items, Crafts, Appliances, Dryer, Hardware,
Exercise bike, Christmas items, something for everyone
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511 North Elm
Friday, Aug. 23, 3p.m. to 7p.m.
Saturday, Aug. 24, 8a.m. to Noon
Antiques, collectibles, some
furniture, glassware and silver plate.
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