A popular president can help his party's candidates for Congress
and governor candidates in mid-term elections. But Democrats
increasingly worry they could suffer losses, much as they did in
2010, Obama's first mid-term elections.
In a twist few expected, Republicans are still hammering the issue
that fueled their successes in 2010: the health care overhaul they
call Obamacare. They are making life especially uncomfortable for
Democratic senators in states Obama lost.
Sen. Mary Landrieu, facing a tough re-election bid in Louisiana,
recently posed for photographers exiting Air Force One with Obama
after flying from Washington to New Orleans. But she skipped the
president's public event there to attend a small-dollar fundraiser
elsewhere, saying it had long been on her schedule.
Other Democratic lawmakers are showing similar wariness, much to
Republicans' delight.
"Vulnerable Democrats like having President Obama raising money for
them in New York and Los Angeles, but avoid appearing on stage with
him in their home states," said Brad Dayspring, who helps run
Republican senatorial campaigns.

In nearly every state, Republicans are highlighting instances in
which Democrats echoed Obama's now-disproven claim that people could
keep their health insurance plans if they wanted.
To be sure, there's nothing new about lawmakers keeping an uneasy
space from presidents with poor or middling popularity ratings.
Several Republicans made no mention of then-President George W. Bush
in their 2006 campaigns, and Bush was a bigger liability in 2008.
Until recently, Obama's personal popularity remained healthy even
when many Americans disliked his policies. But Democrats are alarmed
to see his approval ratings hit all-time lows in recent polls.
Gallup found 39 percent of Americans approving Obama's job
performance in early November, and 53 percent disapproving. His
numbers were slightly better two weeks later, but still far from
what Democrats had hoped.
Obama's popularity is probably lower than 39 percent in states that
voted against him. That's where Democrats are struggling to keep
their Senate majority, which Republicans will seize if they can gain
six net seats.
In Louisiana, which Obama lost to Mitt Romney by 17 percentage
points, Landrieu generally has supported the 2010 health law
revision. But she recently introduced legislation to let people keep
individual health policies that don't meet the new law's minimum
Republican Rep. Bill Cassidy, hoping to oust Landrieu next year,
released an online video showing her with the president on Air Force
One. "She's always been Barack Obama's rubber stamp," the announcer
[to top of second column] |

In Alaska, Democratic Sen. Mark Begich has not asked Obama to
campaign for him. If Obama and other federal officials should visit
Alaska, said Begich campaign manager Susanne Fleek-Green, the
senator wants them to travel to the North Slope "so they understand
the opportunities and challenges we face with oil and gas
Obama lost Alaska by 14 percentage points last year.
Democratic Sen. Mark Pryor, seeking a third term in Arkansas,
emphasizes his demands that the White House fix the health program's
troubled website and hold officials accountable for shortcomings. "I
won't let up until these problems are fixed," Pryor told reporters
after Obama hosted a White House meeting for all Democratic senators
up for election in 2014.
Obama lost Arkansas by 24 percentage points. Blanche Lincoln, the
Democratic senator who sought re-election in 2010, was clobbered by
Republican John Boozman, a fate Pryor hopes to avoid. Rep. Tom
Cotton is the likely GOP nominee.
In North Carolina, which Obama narrowly carried in 2008 and narrowly
lost in 2012, Republicans hope unhappiness with the health care law
will topple Democratic Sen. Kay Hagan in November. Hagan, seeking a
second term, told The News and Observer of Raleigh in August she
would "be honored" to have Obama campaign for her. But Republicans
are distributing a WTVD news clip that says Hagan didn't answer
directly when asked if she would appear alongside the president.
That's nonsense, says Hagan spokeswoman Sadie Weiner. Hagan "has
said she'd certainly have him campaign" for her, Weiner said. But
the campaign's main point, she said, is to contrast Hagan's "record
of getting bipartisan results for the state and her opponents who
are more interested in fringe, anti-middle-class policies."
Hagan attended a recent fundraiser held by Vice President Joe Biden
in the college town of Chapel Hill.

Democrats note that even with Obama's fallen approval ratings,
congressional Republicans remain even less popular. Meanwhile, White
House chief of staff Denis McDonough meets regularly, and quietly,
with Democratic senators facing election next year.
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