"In order to ensure that retirees have the time necessary to
obtain and remit documentation from the Internal Revenue
Service, the deadline has been pushed back until the end of
January," said Simone McNeil, acting director of CMS. "We must
ensure that no retirees or dependents inadvertently lose access
to their eligible benefits." The audit by HMS Employer
Solutions, an independent firm, is being conducted to ensure
that only eligible dependents are covered under the state's
group insurance programs.
By law, the state retirement plans can only cover eligible
members and dependents. While most dependents are eligible, some
dependents in the plan may no longer meet the eligibility
For more information about the process, including a link to an FAQ
page, members should go to the CMS Benefits Choice website and pick
the relevant plan:
[Text from
Department of Central Management Services
file received from the
Illinois Office of
Communication and Information]