The following committee members will assume their positions at the
end of the annual meeting: Jared Finegan of Ford-Iroquois County,
chairman; Matt Rush of Wayne County, vice chairman; Matthew Starr of
Hancock County, secretary; Daniel Gvillo of Madison County,
achievement subcommittee chairman; Ryan Voorhees of Tazewell County,
education and recruitment subcommittee chairman; and Dale Pitstick
of Kane County, governmental affairs and commodities subcommittee
chairman.Members of the IFB Young Leaders are 18- to 35-year-old
men and women who are passionate about farming. It is a
member-created, member-driven program of the IFB that allows members
to promote agriculture and compete in events, including the Young
Leader Achievement Award, Excellence in Agriculture Award, County
Chair Award, discussion meets, quiz bowl, membership contest and
Young Leader video contest.
[Text from file received from
Illinois Farm Bureau]The Illinois Farm Bureau is a member of the American Farm Bureau
Federation, a national organization of farmers and ranchers. Founded
in 1916, IFB is a nonprofit, membership organization directed by
farmers who join through their county Farm Bureau. IFB has a total
membership of more than 400,000, a voting membership of more than
82,000 and represents three out of four Illinois farmers. |
