The preliminary second-season harvest total, for Dec. 5-8, was
18,483, compared with the 27,213 deer taken by hunters during the
second segment of the season last year. This year's preliminary
first-season deer harvest, for Nov. 22-24, was 55,708, compared with
a first-season harvest of 72,111 in 2012. The preliminary harvest
totals include deer taken in all counties where firearm deer hunting
is permitted, as well as at Chain O'Lakes State Park in Lake County.
Logan County had preliminary totals of 251 for Nov. 22-24 and 83 for
Dec. 5-8, for a combined total of 334 for the firearm season,
compared with 491 last year.
During the second segment of the firearm season, Dec. 5-8,
opening day saw falling temperatures and gusty winds throughout the
state, and southern Illinois saw rain and freezing rain turning to
snow that continued through Friday with substantial accumulations.
Frigid temperatures persisted Friday and Saturday, with single-digit
lows throughout the state on Saturday and highs that reached 20
degrees only in the south. Temperatures increased slightly on
Sunday, with snow falling much of the day in northern Illinois.
Windy conditions prevailed throughout much of the season.

"Clearly this year's preliminary firearm harvest numbers are
below previous seasons, and while bad weather conditions throughout
the state played a role, it cannot be the only factor. Once all deer
seasons are complete, our biologists will evaluate deer management
goals on a county-by-county basis to achieve stability in our deer
herd," said IDNR Director Marc Miller.
Beginning in 2008, the IDNR adopted deer herd management goals
based on recommendations of the General Assembly's Joint Task Force
on Deer Population Control.
Those recommendations called for a 14 percent reduction statewide
from peak levels in the rate of automobile accidents with deer. Many
counties have met their goal, and other counties are close to
meeting this directive.
The reduction in county deer populations, combined in some
instances with localized effects of epizootic hemorrhagic disease
outbreaks in the deer herd and less than optimal hunting conditions,
have resulted in a lower firearm deer harvest in previous years.
[to top of second column] |

In the coming months, IDNR
biologists will examine available data for each county,
including hunter surveys and comments received during open house
forums last spring, to determine where adjustments in deer
management will be made for the coming year.
Continuing and upcoming deer hunting
opportunities in Illinois include:
The archery deer
season continues through Jan. 19.
The three-day
muzzleloader-only deer season in Illinois is this weekend, Dec.
The seven-day split late-winter firearm
antlerless-only deer season and special CWD deer season are Dec.
26-29 and Jan. 17-19.
For detailed information on the late-winter and CWD deer seasons,
including information sheets listing open counties and permit
limits, check the IDNR website at this link: Note that Greene County was
closed to the late-winter season this year.
The counties with the highest preliminary totals for deer taken
during the seven-day firearm season were Pike, 2,269; Jackson,
1,931; Fulton, 1,886; Jo Daviess, 1,870; Randolph, 1,786; and Adams,
For a table with preliminary county harvest totals for the first
and second portions of the 2013 firearm deer season,
click here.
[Table from
Illinois Department of
Natural Resources
file received from
Illinois Office of
Communication and Information]
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