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Habitat offers blessing on 18th build

Senters family home for Christmas

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[December 23, 2013]  Sunday afternoon a crowd of several volunteers and others gathered inside the home of Amber Senters and her children: Anthony, Hayden and Ciara. The occasion was to deliver a house blessing on the 18th Habitat for Humanity home in Logan County.

Habitat broke ground in July for the home in the 700 block of North Madison in Lincoln. During that service, the recipient family was introduced to those who gathered around, and Amber and her three children took part in the ceremony, scooping out shovels of dirt on the empty lot.

Sunday afternoon began with remarks from Mike Irwin, president of the Habitat board. He spoke first about the season, saying that at Christmastime, many talk about going "home" for Christmas, so it was especially nice to be able to say that from this day forward, the Senters family would have a home for Christmas.

Irwin also drew attention to a list of volunteers. The list was taped to the refrigerator in the kitchen-family room of the open floor plan.

"The best part of this is that I get to stand up here and take credit for what everyone on this list did," Irwin said. "There were all kinds of people who brought meals, all kinds of people who helped carry things, clean up things, nail things, paint things, clean up things, paint some more things, and the list goes on and on."

Mayor Keith Snyder and Aldermen David Wilmert and Kathy Horn were in attendance at the house blessing.

Snyder was asked if he would like to say a few words. The Green Bay Packers fan wasted no time in recognizing that the boys' bedroom was done in Packer green and gold.

"It is always a special celebration when Habitat has a house blessing," Snyder said. "It is really meaningful this time of year, during this season of giving, because this is a celebration of a lot of different gifts. It is the gift of generosity that made this house possible, the gift of craftsmanship that put it all together, the gift of time that everyone gave and the gift of most excellent bedroom color choices. There is lot to celebrate and just signifies again that Lincoln has a big heart, and we are grateful for this gift of a new home in the community."

Snyder also presented the boys a gift: a Packers football ornament for their Christmas tree.

Horn also congratulated the Senters family on what they have accomplished. She noted that the home was beautiful and that she wanted them to enjoy what they have achieved.

Tiffany Worth is the mentor for the Senters family. She was asked by Irwin to lead the group in the responsive reading of the Litany of Dedication.

Tom Wachtel and Bob Chamberlain were co-foremen on the build. They were asked to make a few comments.

Wachtel spoke first by thanking everyone who was involved in this build. He expressed gratitude to those who came on a regular basis to help out. He also expressed appreciation for the contractors that were involved in the build, such as the excavation and foundation companies.

Chamberlain expressed similar appreciation for all the help received, and he also said it was a pleasure to sell the home to Amber Senters.

Habitat for Humanity does not give the homes to the recipients. Senters was required to assist in Habitat projects and accumulate hours of community service. In addition, she is signing a 20-year mortgage with Habitat. She will make monthly payments on her home, just as any other homeowner has to do. She will also join the ranks of those who pay property taxes in Logan County.

The next event to take place at the house blessing was the presentation of keys. Wachtel presented the keys to Senters.

Immediately following this, Karen Sams-Davis presented the family with a book, as is a tradition with Habitat. This year the book presented was a children's book entitled "Grandpa's Hammer." She said she hoped the book would help serve as a reminder to the family of the many helping hands that helped build their home.

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Next Wilmert was called to step forward and present the family with a computer. He noted a statistic that the overwhelming majority of homes in America have a computer.

"Habitat would like you not to start behind the eight ball on this," he told the family. "We'd like to start you out ahead of the curve."

Pastor Ron Otto of Lincoln Christian Church presented the Bible to the family. He said that bringing a Bible into the home was a very appropriate gift.

He said to Amber: "All these people in here that have served you so well, I'm sure an appreciation hug and ‘thank you' would go a long way for them, but when I was asked to present you with the Bible, it became crystal clear what this is all about. Everyone here has just one hope: that is that you will stay fully committed to Jesus Christ for the rest of your life and that the kids will grow up to know Jesus." He also told the Senters that he had marked one passage for them in their new Bible: Joshua 1:8.

Amber Senters is a single mom with three young children. She works a full-time job and has been living in a home and paying monthly rent.

As it came time for Pastor Otto to deliver a blessing on the Senters family and their new home, he said he felt it was only fitting that all the women in the room join Amber, laying their hands on her, offering her strength and encouragement.

After the blessing, it was Amber's turn to speak to the group. As she wiped a tear from her eye, she expressed to everyone her great appreciation for the opportunity that has been given to her and her children.

The ceremonies came to a close as they always do, with John Sutton on the guitar leading the group in the song "Bless This House."

Afterward everyone was invited to take a full tour of the home and enjoy a large variety of refreshments in the kitchen area.

Habitat for Humanity of Logan County was founded in 1992, and the groundbreaking for the first Logan County Habitat home took place on Sept. 19, 1993. To date the group has constructed 18 homes in Logan County. They strive to do one home a year, and the last two homes have been turned over to the recipient families at Christmastime.

To be a part of this local organization, pay a visit to their website:  


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