The year in review

Our kids

Album 1

[Click on photos below to enlarge.]

[December 26, 2013]     Send a link to a friend 

Our young people are the root of our future as a growing and thriving community. So what better way to begin a review of all that happened last year than to open with some of the best shots of our kids.

Pictures by Karen Hargis, Lisa Ramlow, Nila Smith and reader submissions

Abraham Lincoln Memorial Hospital welcomed its first baby of 2013 on Jan. 2 at 3:34 p.m. Roman Emery Dea is the son of Katherine Dea. Roman weighed 8 pounds, 13 ounces and was 20 inches long at birth.

Photo by Abraham Lincoln Memorial Hospital

Lincoln Christian Preschool

By Devin Biggs


By Jessica Eynon

At Zion Lutheran pancake breakfast

By Jennifer Malerich

The TRASH band


Easter egg hunt hosted by Jaycees

Click here to go to Album 2.


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