Thursday, December 26, 2013
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Special feature from LDN's Worship Guide

The supernatural and the Christmas story

By Darren Palmer, lead pastor, Faith Assembly of God

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[December 26, 2013]  Luke 2:35-38 (NKJV): And the angel answered and said to her, "The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Highest will overshadow you; therefore, also, that Holy One who is to be born will be called the Son of God. Now indeed, Elizabeth your relative has also conceived a son in her old age; and this is now the sixth month for her who was called barren. For with God nothing will be impossible."

Then Mary said, "Behold the maidservant of the Lord! Let it be to me according to your word." And the angel departed from her.


I believe in a supernatural God who loves to interact with His children in supernatural ways!

Christmas is a story of exactly that — miracles! It's the supernatural involvement of a radical, loving Father God mixing with His creation in a beautiful, wonderful way to bring to earth Jesus the Messiah. From angels to dreams, and from Magi following stars to shepherds hearing the host of heaven, the coming of the Son of God was nothing short of supernatural.

This little passage from Luke is no less supernatural. The Holy Spirit was promised by the angel to "overshadow" Mary, a young virgin teenager, and she would carry the Son of the Living God. It was miraculous. It was supernatural.

And then, the angel makes a statement that is absolutely astounding — "For with God, nothing will be impossible!"

We all know from the rest of the story that the events unfolded just as the angel foretold.

But I believe that this promise was not just for Mary. "With God, nothing is impossible!" I believe that this promise is for you and me right here in Lincoln, Ill. (and region), at the end of 2013. I still believe that nothing is too hard for God!

Last spring, we watched as God unstopped the ears of a baby boy, documented by doctors the next day. We have seen him heal chronic migraines and backs. He has healed many people just this past year. Some say miracles are for yesterday, but don't tell that to any of these people! With God, nothing is impossible!

Now we don't serve a Santa Claus God who simply gives us whatever we wish for. (That's not the God of the Bible.) But read through the gospels — Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Read through the book of Acts. They are filled with Jesus and the early church doing miracles! They participated over and over with a wonderful God who so obviously wanted to do great things for people. The lame were healed, the blind saw, those in bondage were set free. Real hope came to the hopeless!

Yes, the most wonderful miracle is when a person surrenders their life to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior! This is a supernatural event, when we fallen people encounter a marvelous Savior who has paid the price for our sin. Thank you, Lord! But the interaction between God and His people doesn't stop there.

[to top of second column]

Some of you reading this article are in need of a miracle right now. You have conditions that man cannot fix. You have sons and daughters who have turned away from the Lord. You have financial needs and don't know where to turn. You need a miracle! I have good news for you. God sees you right where you are. You can call out to Him. You can trust Him. He will meet your need. Nothing is impossible with God.

I love the response of Mary — "Let it be to me exactly as you have said it!" Friends, she took the angel of the Lord at his word. And that's exactly what you and I have to do. We have to take God's Word, read it, hide it in our heart and BELIEVE it. We have to take God at His word! Sir, He loves you. Ma'am, He loves you. Can you trust Him? Can you reach out to Him?

I want to pray a Christmas blessing over you and your family right now:

"Father, I lift up to you the people of Lincoln and the surrounding area. In this wonderful Christmas season, there are so many that are hurting, so many that are lonely. There are so many that simply need you. I ask in Jesus' name that you would pour out your love across this city. I pray that you will touch every heart and cause your blessing to rest on every home. Come alongside that father looking for work. Come alongside the single mom struggling to make ends meet. Come to the bedside of the sick. Encourage! Bring hope! Bring healing! I ask that You would turn the hearts of each one toward You — young and old, from every generation. I ask that You would put faith in our hearts and help us to believe again. And not simply because of the emotions of the Christmas season, but because You are really who You say You are. Lincoln needs you, Father! Help us return to You with all our hearts. In Jesus' name, Amen."

[By DARREN PALMER, lead pastor, Faith Assembly of God]


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