St. John's
Lutheran Church in Hartsburg will be having a Pancake and
Sausage Breakfast after Church services on February 10,
2013, 10:30 a.m. to 12 noon. Join us at 9:00 a.m. for
Church and stay and have pancakes and sausage. Everyone is
OACF Valentine’s Banquet
Are you looking for a Romantic Fun-filled night to celebrate
Valentine’s Day with your sweetheart? We have a night
specially planned for you!! Join us for our 2013 Valentine’s
Banquet at the Elks Club on Sunday, February 10
from 6:00 – 10:00 PM. Dinner will be served at 6:00 PM.
This unforgettable night will consist of a buffet style meal
including Roast Boneless Pork Loin with Honey Mustard Glaze,
Pulled Chicken BBQ, Party Potatoes, Whole Baby Carrots,
Tossed Salad, and Assorted Cakes! Decorations and Dinner
music will provide the perfect atmosphere for you and your
sweetheart! Immediately following the dinner will be game
time! You will laugh, laugh and laugh some more! Then you
can sweep your sweetheart off their feet again as you step
on the dance floor. Fast dance, slow dance, old moves, new
moves…moves you didn’t even know you have. Each couple will
receive a picture. Tickets are only $15.00 apiece. If you
want to purchase tickets or for more information, call Open
Arms Christian Fellowship at 217-732-4800. The deadline is
Sunday, February 3.

Christian Church would like to invite women to a six
week ladies bible study on Monday nights at 7:00
p.m. They will be reading the book: “The Story”. The
Story is a book full of excerpts from God’s Story, the
Bible, and thoughtfully placed in chronological order. Each
week they will discuss questions from the following week’s
reading. Chantell Mills will also give strategies that will
help you to understand God’s Story more fully. This session
is great for someone who has never studied the Bible before
and will rekindle the flame for God’s Story for those who
have known this Story for many years. Sessions will start
Monday, January 28 and run thru Monday, March 11th. You
may contact Chantell for more details at 217-314-9101 or |